5 Month Old won’t eat anything but Deli Meat!

Home Community Cat Food & Feeding 5 Month Old won’t eat anything but Deli Meat!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  MADDY 14 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hello. I have a 5 month old kitten who is very stubborn when it comes to eating. I’ve tried everything and I mean EVERYTHING in the cat section and he hates all of it. I tried starving him but that does nothing either. I’ve given him plenty of human food-making sure not to include any "potentially fatal" ingredients-and he seems to love deli meat. Knowing the harm that could do I’ve even made sure it’s low sodium. I’ve had him from birth and that is all he’s been eating since. It kills me to know I might be hurting him but the cat doesn’t eat anything else! I noticed lately he hasn’t been as active and he has a small pot belly. He still eats, uses the litter, and plays w/ my other cats from time to time but is mostly in bed. What should I do? I know taking him to the vet is crucial but stool samples, blood tests, x-rays, the works is more than I can pay for. Please help me.



    I would get this cat to the vet because it sound like something is going on. I would start with the small stuff first though. I would save x-rays for later unless he stops eating or the vet feels something. The first thing i would have done is the stool sample because it could be as simple as worms. I would also hold off on blood work except maybe for a feleuk/aids test unless the cat was tested when he was youngetr.



    The kitten could also be fat from the diet.
    Yes, cat to vet for checkup. He should probably have blood tests to check the vitamin & mineral levels.
    Also: start mixing the deli meat with the canned cat food that’s bits of meat in gravy. Start with abt 25% cat food & 75% deli meat. Increase the cat food gradually, decrease the deli meat until it’s all cat food. This method usually works.
    No cat needs more than three-fourths cup of food a day, assuming the food is the wet kind (kibble, it’s a 1/2 cup a day).
    Make sure the kitten gets vitamins, there could be a deficiency that’s causing his appearance. I recommend Nu-Cat vitamins for cats. The 240-count bottle is only about $12.00 & the dose is 4 per day, 2 morning & 2 night. My cats love them.



    you should go to walmart and try imas pet food my dog loves it

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