Blindness, depression or both?

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    :-[ I’m wondering if anyone else has had any experiences similar to the following… We have a multiple cat household. Was 4 untill recently. The eldest, Osci, passed away on Monday at age 16. We are deeply saddened but apparently not the only ones who are gravely affected by her loss. One of our other cats, Moochie, who shared a rather unique bond with Osci that our other 2 cats did not, has since Osci’s passing, gone into what ‘could’ be described as a depression. This usually fairly active little cat has seen fit to withdraw to a hiding spot. She typically would run to intercept at feeding times and now she needs to be found and carried out to her dish. To complicate things further, a short time before Osci had become ill to the point that we knew she had only a few days left, we had also noticed that Moochie’s pupils seemed not to decrease in size when exposed to bright lights. The pupils seem to stay fixed changing in size only a small amount. Since the passing of Osci, she now seems to stare off as though she is not seeing. But then manages to manouver up, down and off of furniture and negotiate the dining table and chair legs without incident or hesitation. She just seems completely disinterested in the things that would previously have her scurrying across the floor. Her appetite has not ceased, but it has fallen off and she has slept most of the hours since Osci’s passing. Moochie is now 12 years old. We had previously made an appointment for a visit to the vets to have her eyes checked over and will be going in tomorrow. We live in a rural community though and the vet here we have found, is very much clinical oriented and not so much interested in the pyscological well being of animals. I am wondering if anyone else has had any experiences with depression that their pets may have experienced upon the loss of a fellow pet that they would be willing to discuss. Even my husband seems to think the idea of a cat being depressed is silly although I certainly don’t think so. I am just hoping that if it is depression – that it can be worked through. Otherwise I may be looking at additional symptoms to her dilated pupils that would raise the question of whether or not anyone has had a cat with these symptoms and what their diagnosis was? I have done countless web searches in the past several hours and can’t seem to find anything that fits our scenario. Much thanks in advance, Weasel.



    Hi Weasel! I would like to extend condolences to the loss of your furry family member – Osci; who is now over the Rainbow Bridge waiting for both her human & furry family members to join her. I agree with Luana, pets do grieve, just as we humans do. Moochie is still grieving the loss of her lifetime companion – Osci. Each animal grieves in their own way, & varying lengths of time. This may sound odd what I am going to suggest, but it Does Work! Your husband will probably think that I am "off my rocker"; but it does work. And remember, cats & dogs are just like furry 4-year old children; & yes they do understand. Have you tried going to Moochie & your other pets & explaining to them what has happened to Osci. And that Osci is now in Heaven, playing with other cats, & waiting for everyone in the family to join her, when it is their time. Maybe also tell Moochie & the other pets, everyone in the family also misses Osci. But that Moochie & the other pets are loved very much! When my sister Geanne’s dog, Beebers passed away; her 2 cats Mick & Zack went into depression. Until I told her to explain to them where Beebers was, etc. After their time of grieving (I don’t recall how many wks), the cats were back to their old selves. Seven & a half yrs ago, I adopted a litter of kittens, 3 males & 1 female: Smokey Bear, Little Heart, Tikii & Cheyenne. I have had them since they were 6 wks old. Two yrs later, Tiki got very ill, the vet stated due to severe anemia (I question that in my head to this date & should have taken him to another vet for a 2nd opinion). Anyway, once Tiki passed on, the siblings grieved, as well as the oldest cat in the house: Romeo, who was 4-1/2 yrs at the time. They all grieved the loss of energetic, talkative Tiki. I explained to all of them that Tiki was in Heaven, & that we all missed Tiki; & how much the family loved the other pets. After a couple months of their grieving; they slowly got back to their old selves. As for Moochie’s eyes, I would definitely have them checked out, as you are going to do. Please let us know what your vet says. Also ask your vet, what he or she thinks you can do for Moochie, to help her get thru her grieving process.

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