
This topic contains 31 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  abc 18 years ago.

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    I show my appy in hand and jumping. My welsh cob was voted the best in kent [a county] last year for in-hand and driving. 🙂


    Yeah, he’s great. What are your horses like? I heard that appaloosas were really calm and smart. Do you show?



    He sounds really nice 🙂


    Oh, Congrats!! That must be a lot of fun! I love jumping!! But I am deathly afraid of jumping at shows… oh well…



    Same here :-[ but my step sister shows my horse for jumping. I just do the driving and in hand shows. He he ::)


    I could do jumping at shows if you didn’t have to memorize a course. But I am always so scared that I will forget a jump. Like once, I switched too Lines, and I started to jump an oxer backwards!! I mean, the horse I was riding would have done it anyway, but still!! But my instructor was close by, and kinda said, "where are you going??". So I went to the other line, cause I knew it was one of the two!!! But yeah, if jumping in shows was just jumping whatever you wanted to jump, I’m sure I would probably get some ribbons!! Just kidding!! It would be much easier, though!



    That would be sooo cool to go to a riding school. I would never be able to afourd it. How old are you? I’m 14. I live in Oregon and since I cant ride at the stables because it cost so much, I work with a ladies thoroughbreds because she is to sick to take care of them herself. You must be a pretty cool guy to like horses!


    Hi! Welcome! So you work with Thoroughbreds? Thats cool! What is your fave breed?



    ;D hi matt…i take lessons at loghouse stables and i jump…lessons thier are $35 and then if you board they are $30…it is really fun…christine(our trainer)is really nice and it is a small 6 stall barn but they are building a house and adding 6 or 7 more stalls.i love all the horses thier i know everybodie(beings its a small town!)i ride a horse named bob (white qh gelding i am not sure his age)in my lessons but when i just ride i can ride my friends horse nugget(5y.o appendix mare…bay)and i can pretty much come out and do what i want! 🙂 thanks!here is the site for my barn http://www.loghousestables.com bye:::



    it is still in the makeing…lol


    I’m interested to see what this stable you ride at is like. I’ll look at the site…


    Still! It seems like a nice place. Right now I go to a family-owned farm. They used to do lessons and camps and stuff. They even had 15-16 horses at one point! (they have about 12-13 acres), but now they don’t use 2 of their barns (one is a 2 horse barn, the other is a 4 horse barn)… they only have 8 horses, and they only own 2 of the eight. The horse I lease is boarded there.



    it is a really nice place.it is little so everones friends and it is like a family.i havent been doing lessons scince june though.i miss it so much but my mom is mean…to long of a story to tell. :-[ :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(



    same here…i hate my stepdad with a burning passion…his only thing in life is to irratate me and get on my nerves


    Yeah… Don’t you just get so irritated by parents some times? I really don’t like to use the word "hate", but I’ll make an exception when using it, and thats with my stepdad. I have never truly hated someone like I hate him… but anyway….

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