My sleeping cat

Home Community Cat Behavior My sleeping cat

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Frances 15 years, 5 months ago.

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    We have an old-fashioned steel bathtub at my home. My cat loves to go in there and play or sleep. Nobody is in the bathroom and it doesn’t make a difference whether the tub is dry or a little wet she will take a nap in there, why? Is it because it is cold or just because the bathroom is a quiet place to sleep?



    Who knows why cats do the things they do, they can certainly be funny creatures. It verry well could be that she likes the coolness of it.



    Lots of cats sleep in bathtubs. They’re nice & smooth & cool & very comfortable for cats.
    At least the critter hasn’t learned how to turn on the faucets…

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