Re: My heart hurts

Home Community Pet Loss Support My heart hurts Re: My heart hurts



I’m so sorry about Winnie….you know sometimes you wonder if its the time to let them go, but in your heart you know when its time…when you look in their eyes and see nothing but pain and sadness its time…..I lost my 16 yr old Tinkerbell cat a little over a year ago and Panda my Siberian Husky I had to let go, she had cancer too…hers was on her leg and the tumor was getting bigger and I could just see the pain in her eyes…..Its always hard but your sweet Winnie is not in pain any longer because you loved her enough to let her go….you did the right thing..who knows maybe she met up with my Tinkerbell and they are running around playing together at the Rainbow Bridge….Hugs, Suebee