Re: Edgar died last night

Home Community People & Their Pets Edgar died last night Re: Edgar died last night



Awww Lilly! I am so sorry your dear bird friend Edgar has passed. What a great name! I can’t have a bird as a pet because of a feather allergy – but I visit my friend and my daughter who both have birds.

I agree – a new friend for Lilley. Birds ‘flock’ in the wild, it is natural for them to live in close proximity to others of their kind. Other bird owners could coach you on the best way to introduce them to each other with the least amount of stress.

And you did not do Edgar harm. Birds are fragile creatures and can die quickly from viruses and disorders.

Of course it won’t replace Edgar. He would not want his friend to be lonely. It will give you all an opportunity to share love and your home with another bird friend.

Good luck.