Re: My BABY Died Friday…I am DEVASTATED!!!!!

Home Community Pet Loss Support My BABY Died Friday…I am DEVASTATED!!!!! Re: My BABY Died Friday…I am DEVASTATED!!!!!



Actually I got a dog. I sometimes can not get another pet of the same breed. I found a baby boy jack russell that was in need a good home. I figured saving him was a good thing. I haven’t had a cat since. i am not sure that I would of been ready for another one. I tried that after smokey died. I had him for 12 years when I replaced him with max and at first I will tell you it was really hard for me to get close and as soon as I did he was killed. Since cats are so independant I figured I needed a break from them. So I went to Toby. He is a hand full but he is more needy. And I really needed that. And he listens to me………………But you know what when the right animal for you comes along you will know it. and You have coco and you will get through it. It will be hard but time does heal all wounds. And yes I know it doesn’t feel like it now but it will get easier……. I promise. Just remeber all of the good times.