Re: Surviving dog depressed-please help

Home Community Pet Loss Support Surviving dog depressed-please help Re: Surviving dog depressed-please help



My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. Losing a friend is NEVER easy, two-footed or four-footed.
When my cattle dog had a brain tumor and had to be put down, Jasmine whimpered, and sighed, and paced, and dragged Gypsi’s fav toy about for days. I removed the toy, washed the bedding, and gave her LONG walks daily. She does miss having a friend, I can’t get another dog at this time. She has made a friend in the neighborhood, and that dog often comes over and they play for hours.

If you had a ‘dog park’, being with other dogs may be theraputic for her AND you. I’m sure others at a dog park have been in your shoes.

Take care.