Re: How to Stop a Dog From Running Away

Home Community Dog Behavior How to Stop a Dog From Running Away Re: How to Stop a Dog From Running Away



I would like to reply to the person that has her collie in the country. You are not alone. We have 22 acres and 2 goldens that I’m having trouble keeping home from the neighbors too. I am with you that dogs shouldn’t be penned or on leashes all day – what would the point be in having a dog? I find the person replying to you about laws and leashes and fences to be very very rude – I searched the internet on how to keep my dog home and it took me to this discussion forum – that’s how I found this site. At least we care to keep our dogs home and are looking for advice. That person doesn’t have any advice and any good decent caring person would have talked to you rather than scolded you. I’m assuming this person didn’t affect you in any way shape or form (I hope not) and if you learn of any great advice, please share – as for me, I’ll continue to look for positive advice. Good Luck!