Re:any FFA members here?

Home Community Horses & Riding any FFA members here? Re:any FFA members here?


I would love to! No, you definitely don’t have to own a horse, as over half the people in my club don’t. But they do often do activities that involve riding. Its basically a club that does things/activities that involve horses. We meet once a month and plan activities to do (in october we’re goin to the international horse show, which is an awesome show that does show jumping.. then cool things like jack russel terrier races, trick riding, and other neat things w/ horses), and its really fun. They have little workbooks that you can do, and you often learn more about horses when you do them. Some of them you have to have horses to complete, but there is a series of worbooks called Horseless Rider that you could do… Its a really fun club in general…