Re: Severe itch problem

Home Community Dogs Severe itch problem Re: Severe itch problem



Your Kitties are Awesome and HEALTHY LOOKING! We have a small house too. Our yard is bit larger than the neighboring yards but still, living in the city it’s all relatively small. Our birds and bunny are outside in a large aviary. It’s 9′ wide by 14′ long by 9′ high. During the day the chicken is loose in the yard but then at night she goes to her coop that is 8’x10′. Our kitties as well as the dogs have 24/7 doggie door access to the house.
In my "inspiration" page on my website are pictures of the pets we had at the time. Since then our Merry (chicken), Sally (cocker mix), China (black cat) & Sophie (marbled tabby cat) have passed. Sally was 14+ years, China & Sophie were 18 years old when they passed. I don’t know how or why Merry died? She was having problems and I had to give her baths & put antibiotics on her rear end. Didn’t think I needed to take her to the vet at the time…
*I’m wondering if Tucker needs to take antibiotics internally ? Maybe secondary infection from the licking and scratching? I know, it’s a horrible cycle if you don’t treat the one problem it all seems to be never ending.
Sammy is doing much better now that the temperature has dropped to the low 80’s to high 70’s. He still is itching but so much more controlled. He always gets a secondary infection….
**Another thing possibly to ask your vet… Could Tucker be having a yeast infection? Sammy gets that too but not like the other… At times it’s difficult to tell if he has the demodectic mites or a yeast infection. Most of the time it’s the mites…
Sammy takes the ivermectin every other day, hydroxizine twice a day. Antibiotics twice a day if it’s getting a bit out of control. and…. Deramax for pain. There have been times when his paws bleed from the itching, licking, infection…. I sure hope Tucker isn’t having that!
Wish they had good insurance for pets. The only type that’s available are for HEALTHY DOGS! I guess it’s good for emergencies but???????? They don’t accept animals with pre existing problems… there go my dog and cats!
Give Tucker a Pat on the head for me! Best of Luck… Sammy & Irene
*The last picture is of Misty, Sammy & Willy… when we work in the front yard at times we’ll put a fencing around the open gate to let the dogs feel that they’re part of the process… Willy likes to hang with them.