Re: training mustang horses

Home Community Horses & Riding training mustang horses Re: training mustang horses



We adopted a Mustang in 1986 from the BLM and have had him 23 yrs now…he was 18 months old when we adopted Apache.
With a Mustang you have to take it slow and easy with them. My husband talked gently to him and let him smell everything, saddles, blanket brushes etc.
Then he sit in the stall with him for several weeks before even trying to make him do anything. You cannot break a Mustang with force or harsh words.
When my husband finally put the saddle on him in only 2 weeks after we got him, Apache didn’t know what to do so my son took a Quarterhorse we had and led Apache around with his dad on Apache to show him what he needed to do…he never bucked the first time, only turned around and looked at my husband and wondered what the heck was he doing on his back…LOL..Apache is a wonderful horse and rides children with such care he won’t do anything but walk slowly when he has a kid on him…Everyone around here just loves him.

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