British Shorthair cats Breed Profile

Coat Type, Color & Grooming:
Solid colors:
Black, white, blue, orange, or cream.
Bi-color: Predominantly white with patches of one other color; most common
are blue/cream and tortoiseshell/white.
Tortoiseshell or Calico A patchy pattern made up of three or more
distinct colors (usually black, orange, and cream/white).
Tabby A darker stripy pattern on a lighter background color; most often
gray, brown or orange.
Nose and paw pad colors usually correspond to predominant coat color,
varying from pink to black.
Physical Attributes:
Compact body with broad chest and short neck; forehead is rounded in profile; large, round eyes; thick coat.
Placid and easygoing; sleeps a lot; dignified and gentle.

- Birman
- Persian