Flea Problem

Home Community Dogs Flea Problem

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Catherine 17 years ago.

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    This year I started bringing my two dogs to the dog park. Although the park is very clean and everyone seems to clean up after their pets – my dogs have contracted fleas… This has never happened to me before and I don’t know what to do??? I also have a cat who I am concerned now has fleas too??? And, what about my house!?!



    Make sure you put flea stuff on them before they leave the house again such as Frontline. Call the vet and they will tell you what to do with the cat and the house.



    there are 3 great products you can get at your vet Frontline advantage or revolution these products will take care of the fleas i personally prefer advantage but i use fronline whe i now we are going to spend time at our"country" house because of the ticks Do no use any over the counter products they do not work and have been known to cause neurological problems and even death in cats

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