how old your oldest dog was

Home Community Dogs how old your oldest dog was

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    My Griffon died on the morning of his 9th birthday 🙁 Nearly 5mths ago now, still find it v.hard to accept. Sorely missed. Finally figured out how to post pic ! [img][/img]


    i jsut started this to see how old everyone’s oldest dog was. right now i am takeing care of a 20 year old chihuahua. he use to be my grampa’s. and at 20 years old he is still like a little puppy. thanks for writing.



    we’ve neva had dogs but we think the most recent of our gran’s was 14 – border collie and our dad’s oldest sausage dog was 13 or 14 😛



    sorry to hear about your dog only making it to 9 years old :'( My dog (Angel) just turned 9 about 2 weeks ago. By the way how do you post pictures?



    Go to photobucket and upload pix……. …there you can get URL addy which is what’s needed, pix have to be on internet – you can’t just upload from PC. Photobucket automatically codes pix with the [IMG][/IMG] tags, then you can just copy n’ paste and it embeds pic into your post. Although Ganny only made it to 9yrs, they were the best 9yrs of my life. 🙂 & 🙁



    My best bud had just turned 15 in our minds befor we had her put to rest. We got her from the rescue but all her vets said she was older than what they told us when we got her (they said 18 months the vet said around 3) we had her for 13 fantastic years. I still miss been able to cuddle her but I still talk to her all the time. I will always love you my puppy dog. :'(



    A lot depends on the breed, the larger the breed the shorter the expected life span. All of my girls have had at least average lives..the shortest being 13 years and the longest being just short of 18 yrs. Even our "sickly" one with a heart valve problem. Vets said she could live to 6 or maybe 7 years with good care. Well, she died of a massive heart attack 10 weeks after her 16th birthday…guess she got VERY good care.




    My baby died of an anurism a couple weeks ago right after her 6th birthday. That’s the youngest we’ve had one die. The oldest is our lab who is now 14, and still living. She lives w/ a friend of ours who we gave her to because she needed more room to run. She still enjoys chasing chickens on the 25 acre farm she lives on. Much better than our 1 acre fenced lot. We have since then moved and wish we still had her.:)At least she’s happy though. Congrats on the 20yr old chi!!!



    I’ve been told the pain of letting them go is the price we pay for unconditional love.




    My Smokes is currently 14 years old (purebred Great Pyr) which makes him a very old man, indeed. I have not owned him all that time, though. He was rescued from a kill-shelter when he was nine.

    He’s in remarkably good health, and is currently blowing his coat, like all Pyrs do 😉

    Disclaimer: He’s incredibly beautiful, and massive (175 pounds) but NO ONE should adopt or buy a Pyr until they have thoroughly researched the breed and completely understand the needs of this noble, giant animal.



    well sadly my baby didnt make it to his 21st b-day i ended up putting him down that summer he got to sickits been a year now since i put him down and i still cry at least once a week. but its worth it when i think of the time i spent with him



    21 is incredible!! You must have done something very right. Hope the memories of those years will sustain you when the weepies start.




    actually most people would say i didnt do anything right. he ate human food he chowed down with so ya. guess human food aint that bad



    Yeah, well, the proof is in the puddin as they say. My vet constantly wants to argue the steribones that I give my dogs to chaw on, but he finally gave up. Said obviously something works for them…they both have perfect teeth even though they eat soft canned food (prescription), they almost never need their teeth cleaned. My 10-yr old has had her teeth cleaned twice and my 6-yr old once.

    So, human food probably isn’t the best but it worked for you and your furkid…you can’t argue with success.



    ya its not like he got scraps he had a full on but did something right cuz he lived a long time

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