
Home Community Dogs Health Vaccinations

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    Vaccinations are a very important part of your dogs health. We all know this… So what I’m wondering is, do any of you self vaccinate? Or do you ALWAYS take your dog to the vet to have this done? I’ve spoken to several vets in our area, and they have advised me of where to buy the correct vaccs for my dogs so that I can do it myself. Some have actually recommended that we do this when having a large number of dogs in our home. I prefer this method over taking them to the vet for such a simple procedure, because 1) it saves us a ton of money, and 2) it seems to help us bond with our dogs. We do however, take them in for their rabies shots because it’s important to have that one on record in the event that something ever happens with one of our dogs. What are your thoughts on this subject though? I’m curious to know how many others give their own pet vaccinations.



    I just take mine to the vet. I have two dogs, so it’s not really that expensive. It costs me like $5 or $10 each.



    I’ve actually never heard of self-vaccination…



    There are, a friend of mine does that.



    You can buy the dog vaccinations at a Feed Store its called a 7 in 1 shot….when we bought it one time it even included the parvo.



    That’s what we’ve been told to buy for our dogs. And some feed stores even carry the same wormer that the vet uses (here anyway, which we’ve also used). jspeer – I wish there were more vets that would do vaccs for so little. Ours charges $60 per dog every time we walk through the door. I don’t mind paying that if there is something wrong or when we take them in for a check up… but for routine shots and boosters, it’s outrageous. Especially when they’re puppies and these are needed every 3 – 4 weeks. (We take in/re-home strays when ever we find them, or they find us, and the first thing I like to do is vaccinate… for the health of not only the new dog, but our dogs as well.)



    Well I live on a military base, and they don’t charge office visit fees or anything. I am taking my puppy tomorrow to get his shots, speaking of that. For a heart-worm pill, full check-up, and the shots, will cost me $25. Not bad at all! Tell your husband to join the military!lol There’s a lot of benefits!



    LOL.. I’m sure there are. He’s a police officer, shouldn’t that have some "perks" too? (Kidding, actually it does. It’s costing us next to nothing to have our baby, co’s we’ve got really great insurance.)Anyway, as far as vets go… I’m trying to find a nice little "country" vet to take our dogs to, because my experience with "big city" vets has been that they care more about the money than the dogs (no offense to the vets on the forums). The small town vets I’ve used in the past seem to care more about the animals and do get really involved in their well being (they get to know their patients). Being in Charleston though, it’s kinda hard to find someone like that… and I’d probably still self vaccinate if I did. 🙂



    Yep, I agree! A friend mine and my husband’s puppy was attacked by another dog that got out, she had puncture wounds on her stomach, and she was throwing up and bleeding all over the place, well the vet on base closes earlier than other vets off-post, so she called a vet off-post, and they said they couldn’t do anything for her unless she had $200 up front. She was in tears, her dog was in bad shape, and these people could care less! I thought being a veterinary was about helping animals? Not about what goes into your wallet! Fortunately, mine and her husband’s sgt paid for it, thank god! I thought that puppy would die. The guy that was responsible for the dogs that got out, got away with no charges and he didn’t even offer to pay. That’s the second time his dogs got out and attacked one of her dogs.



    I give my dog their basic shots. There is a link below for where I get mine from. They even ship them in styrofoam coolers with ice gel pack to keep them cold. However check the laws in your state…some have laws against self vaccination. In PA, a liscensed vetmust give your dog a rabies cannot do it your self. For me to self vaccinate, I must keep the reciept, label and packaging for each dog. I have files for all of mine so I know where everything is.



    Rabies must be given by a licensed vet in EVERY state.
    So you give a 7 in one shot. When your dog has an allergic reaction how will you know which one he is reacting to? Worming medication is all toxic. If you don’t do fecals under a microscope how will you know what to treat? The most dangerous parasites are not visable tot he naked eye. You may be giving poisons for something they don’t even have but not treating what they do.



    suebgone – I can’t speak for everyone here, but I feel confident in what I do, as I have spoken with our vet who has indeed said that this is an acceptable way to keep on top of basic pet care (I was taught by a vet, how to properly administer these vaccinations.). As far as them having a reaction goes… of course I’d take them in if something was to "go wrong". (Which is a chance one takes when having their pet vaccinated by the vet as well.) And as I stated, I don’t do these things blindly. I always speak with our vet before attempting anything at home. 🙂



    Thank you Diamond Tiger…I was taugh how to give vaccine and sub-q fluid by my vet when I got my first dog as an adult..he was sick. I also had cavies and if you can give fluid and injectable to an animal that small, dogs arn’t a problem. when I first began giving my own shots I always notified my vet that I was doing them today and if I had any reactions I would bring them in. I have been using Fort Doge for years and have NEVER had a problem. However now I do have one dog that does have a reaction no matter who gives him the shot…he needs a little benedryl…and yes I asked the vet. I do not reccomend this for the inexperienced but for those of us that have been doing this for years and especially those us us who take stays off the street, it’s a good thing…we are trained and trying to help. As far as wormers go..yes they can be toxic, but if this is the same thing your vet uses and they okay it what is the problem? Your still following a vets orders….



    Yes… and we keep both baby aspirin and a bottle of liquid children’s Benadryl on hand as well, as advised by the vet.



    when an animal reacts to a VX is is not to everything in the combo, it is usually to one ingredient. By giving that many in one you have no idea which it may have been. Also, puppies should not have lepto & if you are giving a seven in one its in there. I did thousands of shots – as I did all the shots for my shelter animals including rabies. We were required to give rabies & were tested & licensed in PA to do so. At that time when I had access to them, I gave my own, they go to the vets now but I no longer do DHLPP as they have had enough to be protected for life.

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