I believe in Pet Heaven

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    Remember this: There’s a Heaven for every animal in the world. And the pets that are there now have someone to take care of them until you arrive.
    DOG HEAVEN is where your dog can chase heavenly squirrels & cats (not real ones). In summer, it’s warm but not too hot, w/plenty of shady trees & cool corners to sleep in. Your dog can romp & play w/people throwing sticks, balls & frisbees. He never needs a bath but he can go swimming anytime he wants in the ponds, lakes, & salt-water oceans.
    In winter, your dog is stretched out in front of a fire in a nice house, w/someone who used to be allergic to dogs, but isn’t now bec. there’s no allergies in Heaven, so they can have a dog. They’re taking care of him for you until you get there (along w/the previously homeless dog that never had a home on Earth), playing tug-of-war & giving them new toys. He has his own couch to sprawl on w/his friends & someone to scratch his tummy until you get there.
    Your dog gets the best beef, chicken, cheese & treats. There’s a giant dog park where all the dogs play w/ea. other, the grass never dies & it’s always lush & fun to roll in. There’s woods to explore & other animals to meet. New people come & go all the time. There are street festivals that your dog goes to w/his foster family, w/so much excitement & fun.
    CAT HEAVEN is a lot like Dog Heaven: the weather is great, the cats live w/people who pet them & take care of them until you get there. They chase heavenly mice & birds & sometimes squirrels, if they want. They have comfortable sleeping corners, a warm fire in winter, the food is the best. There’s always someone to play with, places to roll & scratch their backs, & plenty of trees to climb & claw. They eat tuna, shrimp & chicken, even if they were allergic before.
    If the cats & dogs want to play together, they go to CAT-AND-DOG HEAVEN, which is a combination of both of them. There’s always someplace for the different species to come together & talk & play.
    BIRD HEAVEN is a wonderful open area that never has bad cross-winds & never has nasty weather.
    SMALL ANIMAL heaven is a warren of tunnels and nests with the perfect kind of food and shelter for all the gerbils, rats, mice & hamsters.
    All the animals can understand each other perfectly, so they can have a lot of fun with other kinds of animals. They can eat what they want, never get fat, & are perfectly healthy & in prime condition.
    When you arrive at the Pearly Gates, you’ll find every pet you ever had waiting for you, eager to drag you off to the wonderful house in the wonderful neighborhood that you can live in forever w/all your pets, where you can settle down & do the things that you didn’t have the time or money for before.
    And you can understand your pets, & any another animal, & have a conversation w/them. (You can’t read their minds, & they can’t read yours, because everybody needs to have some privacy of thought.)
    Oh, & all the balloons & kites you ever lost, that broke or floated away, are waiting in a room just inside the Gates for you. They’ll come home with you, too.



    We lost our beloved Lab Summer on Jan 27,2010,she was only 7yrs old she had Cushings Disease but seemed to be doing better on the new medicine our wonderful & caring Vet that knew what he was doing. We just found him to late or we would have had Summer with us for a couple more years. We were so blessed to have had her for the 7 years we did though. When your animal is ill & your not happy with your Vet,don’t be afraid to get a second opinion as we did. We know Summer is in no more pain,but our family is having a hard time with her passing,she was part of our family & will always be in our hearts & thoughts



    I believe in pet heaven too, and when a person dies and goes to heaven, they are first greeted by all the pets they had in their lifetime before the human loved ones greet them…as for me when i die someday and go to heaven, I will be swamped my all of my cats, dogs, and birds…they will surround me and I will feel their love all around me, and then here comes my loved ones that passed to greet me! I want to live a very long life, but when I do die, that’s a part of heaven I am so excited to experience, my animal friends surrounding me with their love and warmth, and soft furr might i add!

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