My Rabbit won’t drink water

Home Community Rabbits My Rabbit won’t drink water

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lisa 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    I have an 8 week old rabbit who has been hand raised and I’ve had him for three days. He won’t drink out of his water bottle with or without his vitamins in it and he picks out the orange parts of his food and leaves the rest.
    What can I do to get him to drink (I am using the salt blocks)?
    and is he getting enough food source (I also give him lettuce and carrots once a day)?



    If your rabbit won’t drink, see the vet to find out what the problem is before his dehydration becomes fatal.
    Also try feeding him hay and stop any sweets you may have been giving him.
    Most rabbit diseases manifest themselves either orally or rectally so the disinterest in water for a prolonged period could be a sign of illness.
    If this were my rabbit we’d be seeing the vet, just to get to the bottom of this and get on the right track.



    I agree that by giving him some hay/grass it should make him thirsty. You’re using a water bottle? Have you tried putting his water in a bowl? Eight weeks is kind of young to be feeding carrots and veggies. His pellets should not have colorful bits in it…best if it’s just plain pellets.




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