Rabbit Keeps Attacking People!

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  mirical97266 19 years ago.

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    :- My Rabbit Hercules keeps on attacking my family every time they go into the yard. The only one she doesn’t do it to is me. She wont stop, she takes up half of the yard, I cant change that. But every time someone other than me even goes there, no matter how nice the person is, then she will start biting and scratching them. She circles their feet when they walk to. I know she’s being protective of her taritory, but this has to stop! My family is affraid of her! (Even I think it’s a little funny when she attacks them) 😉



    lol, that would be halarious! I have been totally thinking about doing that! It’s going to be awesome. lol, I cant wait.



    I would seriously consider having her desexed by a very experienced rabbit vet. Female rabbits can be quite aggressive (we have one bunny that zeros in on our cat and targets her like a torpedo – she’s been desexed but is much better now than she used to be!).



    I also think you should fix your rabbit because that is a common problem with unspayed/unneutred bunnies. Consult with your vet for more specifics on how to deal better with your bunny’s territorial behavior. 🙂

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