Can sugar give dogs worms??

Home Community Dog Food & Feeding Can sugar give dogs worms??

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Karen 20 years, 7 months ago.

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    Nope, this is a myth. However, sugar and chocolates and such are not good for dogs (chocs can be deadly if he is giving that at all). Worms are transmitted by ingesting eggs or through bites like from a flea or mosquito.



    My husband keeps teeling that a little bit of sugar can give our miniture cocker spaniel worms. Has any one else ever heard of this??? My granny always gave her dogs sweets, and they lost all of their teeth. I don’t think they had worms, though. Kerrie



    It never ceases to amaze me how and where myths get started. I have heard this myth and it has been around for years… Just like urban legends… But if it keeps your husband from giving the dog sweets, is that such a bad thing that he believes at least this myth about dogs? 😉



    Know wonder I have never heard of it before. I don’t know where he got that myth from, and the dog doesn’t get sweets. I guess I’m just tired of hearing it. My husband believe the myth, though. ::) Kerrie

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