I’m looking for a dobe

Home Community Dog Breeding & Breeds I’m looking for a dobe

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  arikun 17 years, 2 months ago.

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    First, where are you located? If in the US, I can say that Doberman Rescue is often LOADED with great dogs needing homes. And Canada as well. If you are looking for a pup and want to go to a breeder, research the breeder WELL and go through a Dobe club to help you find a member who breeds and be willing to be PATIENT – good breeders may not have a pup ready when you want it and they often have waiting lists. There are many irresponsible dobe breeders out there and you need to find a good one. But again, knowing where you are located is a big help, there are questions here from all over the world!



    😀 Hi Everyone!!!! I was wondering if anyone knew of a good website to looking for a pet. I have been searching for a doberman for quite some time…and with very little luck! If anyone had any suggestions, I would really appreciate it. Thanks SOOOOOOOO much Kitty 8)


    It might sound a little weird, but you can go to Equine.com. It is a horse classified site, but they have a dog classified place to. Good luck!!



    http://www.yahoo.com has a classified ad section. You can type in your location and they show you ads that are near where you are located. Just click on the breed of dog you are looking for.



    petfinder.com finds dogs in shelters in need of homes!

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