She Peed on the floor! She has Never Done That Before!

Home Community Dog Behavior She Peed on the floor! She has Never Done That Before!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Karen 19 years, 3 months ago.

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    My grandma’s dog is a 7 year old cheseapeak Bay Retriever and yesterday, before we left my grandma’s house, she was in the dining room, and she just peed right where she was standing! Can it be a bladder infection? ???



    It is possible – it can also be various other things going on: diabetes Cushing’s Bladder Stones reaction to medication (steroids cause excessive thirst for example) Anything that can cause bladder irritation or an increase in water consumption forcing the dog to have to go out more can cause a normally relaibly house trained dog to have problems. Also, sometimes as dogs age they have senior moments and may forget to let us know they have to go out – though seven for a Chessie is older adult and not quite a senior. If it happens again, I would rule out medical and have the dog checked for baldder infection, stones, etc first and then if those are negative, look for other issues. Also, sometimes dogs just regress and need a refresher in lessons and manners. Watch the dog and see if it happens again and go from there.



    Ya, I told my grandma if she does it again, take her to the vet. I’, 100% sure she knows when she has to go to the bathroom, or where. She has a doggy door she uses and we never have to let her out to go. She does when she has to.

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