Anyone play Polocrosse?

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    huh? ???



    Hey anyone here know what polocorsse is or play it? I just got back from a tournoment and I wondered if any of y’all played!



    Polocrosse is like lacrosse on horses. there are three postions nmbered 1, 2,3, one is a goal scorer, 2 is a mid-feild defender also offense and the 3 is the one that prevents the other teams 1 score a goal.


    ….. Wow!! :o! I didn’t know that that many people didn’t know what polocross is. I know what it is , even if I don’t play it. Though, I can understand why Sweet16 doesn’t know what it is cause she rides western.


    Horsey sports are cool, but I mainly like just riding in the field!!!!



    Polo has a mallet and a hard ball. Polocrosse has a raquet and a soft softball size ball. Polocrosse is a lot more complex and has much more strategy and contact. It really doesnt matter what dicipline(did i spell that right? having a moment) you ride, I started western, went english, then endurance, then to Austrailian, I ride aussie most but i do barrel race in my western saddle, you can play polocrosse in any saddle you want as long as it doesnt have a horn.


    It must be crazy with all these horses on the field and trying to control your horse wtih one hand and hitting the ball with the other!!! So many horses running around on the field!! The field must be really bgi!!



    this may help. Its a description form the UK. Polocrosse is a fast, exciting, action game on horseback. There are 6 players in a team, but actually only 3 players (called a section) from each team, are on the pitch at a time. The pitch is about the size of a Rugby pitch and has a goal at each end, which also looks a bit like Rugby posts without the crossbar. The point of the game is to get the ball between the posts! Oh yes the ball! The ball is a soft rubber ball, so it poses no danger to the horses. You have a "stick". This is a bit like a squash raquet with very loose stringing. The stringing forms a net in which you catch and carry the ball, and with luck pass it to your colleagues or shoot at the goal. Of the three players on the pitch, Number 1 is the Goal Shooter and Number 3 the Goal Defender. Number 2 has a tactical role, generally having the job of riding off the oppostion players to keep them out of the way. This is not a minor role! A good Number 2 will ensure that his/her Number 1 is never bothered by the opposing Number 3! The pitch is divided into three sections, with a central area and goal scoring areas at each end. Only the attacking Number 1 and the Defending Number 3 are allowed in each goal scoring areas. No-one may carry a ball into or out of these areas but must pass it or bounce it and catch it again as they cross the lines. So why 6 in a team if only 3 play? Well the first section play for 6 or 8 minutes – called a chukkha. Then the second section play, while the first section rest their ponies before playing again. A full match is 6 or 8 chukkhas. The goals scored by each section are simply added together. At some tournaments you may well play as sections if there are not enough players to make teams of 6. As hinted at when describing the role of Number 2, the game is very tactical. Riding Off, or pushing the opponents horse, is allowed even if that player does not have the ball. Polocrosse is a "one Horse" sport. You need just the one. Indeed the rules state that you can only play one – except in cases of injury. As well as a horse you just need a stick (?35 – ?50), a ball (?15) and some bandages and boots. Nothing in equestrian sport is cheap, but Polocrosse is not an expensive game. There is also no age restriction, There are players of 9 and players of 50. Often you will find whole families taking part. If you have a teenaged son who is bored with riding or Pony Club, because it’s just not "cool", introduce him to Polocrosse, it will be the making of him. It is definitely "cool" this is different then the american efinition but the teams are about the same. Ill try to find an american definition


    It sounds hard to manover around!!


    it sounds really complicated :-/. is it fun?


    I’m from Virginia.



    yes, polocrosse is very fun. You take some hard knocks but its all woth it. We wear protective gear to protect ourselves. Actually we dont hit the ball. we catch it in a net. your horse is 90% of the game. The human is just a passenger. I remember, when i was learning, someone told me " drive with one hand, and play ball with the other". It works, I’m right handed, so my raquet is always in my right hand. So i had to learn how to rein with my left had. even when i’m just pleasure riding im a lefty. Luckily my horse loves the sport. So far i’ve gotten compliments on the way he handles. The best horse is one that will spin and obey and a moments notice. Blast is a great horse, and on the feild he lives up to his name. If y’all tell me what state you’re in ill try to locate a club, if y’all want to go watch.


    Polocrosse is where you hit polos with a sledgehammer until they get angry. i’m right, you know.


    … More of Megan’s madness……… ::)


    oookkkaaaayyy, whatever you say…

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