HELP! Need Tips On First Horse

Home Community Horses & Riding HELP! Need Tips On First Horse

This topic contains 18 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Brenda 17 years, 4 months ago.

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    In defense of arab mares: YES they can be very flighty and hyper but they are also EXTREMELY smart and depending on how much attention you give her (and how much grit you have) an arab can make a great first horse. When I got my first arab (I had owned a QH before that and although he was great…I didn’t learn much…) I learned that arabs are one of the most "bondable" (if that’s a word) and also the most willing to try new things. Despite their "flighty" demeanor, they are actually astonishingly bold when it comes to trying new things. If you are a creative person who welcomes a learning experience and wants an intellectual companion, an arab might just be in your future… HOWEVER…safety is always important…especially at the beginner level and if you want something quiet and easy (which is perfectly OK!!!!! ESPECIALLY WITH YOUR FIRST HORSE!!!!), then I definitely salute quarter horses. However, if your first horse has been a long time coming and you are a savvy, open-minded adventurer…I give the arab five stars!!!!!!



    HaHaHs!! I love how all the posts on here go totally offf subject, but gypsyprincess, good luck, but do remember that 6 yo are ok. I have a 6 yo buckskin qh and i have only been riding for 6 months!



    Should name it starfire

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    Was that Starfire? He’s gorgeous. I love Arabs too. I used to play with Arabs at a farm and I got very close to one. When I would pull up at the barn, Chessie would come running up to the gate to see me. She always knew when I was coming. She was green and I was able to work with her on the ground so that one day she stepped on my foot and didn’t put any weight on it. I felt a little something on my foot and looked down and saw that she was stepping on my foot with no weight. The owner of the barn said "it’s because of you that she’s not putting weight on her foot." I loved that complement. Sorry, off the subject.

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