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  • #482020


    OMG Schooner, thank you for enlightening me. I went into two of the sites you posted. I’m in shock. It’s too upsetting for me to think about right now. I need to digest this thoroughly, though I don’t want to. Will write later.



    Animal cruelty is NEVER okay, but PETA is a terroristic radical animal rights group that masquerades as a simple empathetic animal rights group. The examples they have on their website are truly horrendous, but many of those are isolated events in other countries. I wrote my term paper for my final year of high school on PETA, so I definately have done my research. I encourage people to stand up for the rights of animals, but on your own terms, not those of PETA, and I encourage you to spread the word to any friends or family you have what this organization is REALLY about.



    Loveanimals… thank you for reading up on this awful organization. I hope Rat Lover does the same. Most of the information people believe to be true about PETA comes from PETA itself and is propaganda. I have always been offended by the acts they encourage in the name of animal charity, but till recently didn’t realize exactly how far they took it. The public has been duped.



    i am not defending all of peta.. i will agree that some of those people take everything to far and they are pretty much just wacked out. i’m just saying that some people in peta are in it for the right reason. just like petsmart. thats what i am trying to get at. you cannot hold some responsible for all.



    Rat Lover, I would venture to guess that MOST people who get involved with PETA do so out of a desire to do something good. My point is, the organization itself is using these people, who have good intentions, to do awful things. PETA needs to be disbanded, and the people who have knowingly done these things should be prosecuted for animal cruelty, fraud, terrorism, etc. The people who are in PETA for the right reason need to find another, truer, organization to invest themselves and their money in. Rat Lover.. did you read the links I provided in earlier replies? Check them out thoroughly and come back.



    ok so i checked out the sites and yes its disgusting. but it goes with what i say about a handful of people ruining it.dont get me wrong here i am not defending peta because honestly they are to out there for me. but you are kinda only seeing one side of it here because you are right against them. i dont doubt when peta started out that they started for the right reason and now you just have people who stear off course and now they are doing it all wrong. and actually hurting the creaters they said they were trying to save. but you cannot put all peta members in the same category. because then you are putting all races in the same category putting all pitbulls in the same category, and its just wrong. yes some peta members should be locked up and never allowed round animals again. yes some pet smart people should have the same done to them. but there are also peta people who should keep doing what they are doing and petsmart people who should keep doing what they are doing.



    I think we are pretty much agreeing on most points.. the only difference being that, from what I have read, the FOUNDERS of PETA are the evil, fraudulent ones… there are several quotes from the co-founder and president of the company, Ingrid Newkirk, included in the sites I’ve posted that express her extremist attitude and lack of concern for human life. For example: "Six million people died in concentration camps, but six billion broiler chickens will die this year in slaughter houses." How can anyone in their right mind compare holocaust victims to chickens? "There?s no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They?re all animals.
    – Washingtonian magazine (August 1, 1986) More PETA quotes for you to peruse are at : Please read them and let me know what you think.



    i dont know if i am wrong in saying this but i value animals lives more so then peoples. there are millions of people out there helping one and another and only a handful helping animals. but you are right it ws wrong to compare holicost victims to chickens



    When I was young, I thought I was a "Pets before people" type of person. Then I grew up. I have two kids- no way would I ever consider a dog worth more than my children. I also value the rest of my family… I wouldn’t pull a cat out of a fire and let my parents burn. This same concept extends to my friends, other children and any innocent, giving person. I do not value animal’s lives more than people’s. But I do care that animals in general are not treated cruelly. PETA treats animals cruelly AND does not value human life. Two strikes in anyones book.



    oh no my family comes before my animals dont get me wrong..but i would run into a burning building for my animals also…you would have to drag me but my thing is people are doing these things to animals so i tend to value the animals lives a bit more. i work with wild life so i see all sorts of things people do to them.



    holy crap i have alot of messages from here 😛 is it a chat party?? jk.

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    Yeah, well, I probably wouldn’t go into a burning building for my pets… I value my own life more. But I would certinly go the distance in any way that would not endanger my own life. I volunteered at a wildlife rescue here in WA for about two years, so I know what you’re talking about. It’s disheatening to realize how many cruel and/or stupid people are out there. We even had a swallow come in that some idiot had clipped it’s wings to try to make it a pet- they fly to eat. It starved and stressed to death. Nothing we could do. Racoons that had been caught in claw traps, lots of animals with bullet holes in them. You name it… if it CAN be done to an animal, someone HAS done it. Sad.



    I would save my pets if they were in danger any day. That includes burning buildings.



    i here that. we had a canadian goose who someone had shot with an arrow. with me like everyone gets mad because i dont think bout my own safety i think bout animals safety first.



    Schooner, I have written a scathing letter to PETA and even that didn’t make me feel better. I swear, from this moment on, I will inform all my friends about the cruel practices of PETA. The founders made a big mistake when they hired people to kill animals and stuff them in a trash bag. That’s one of their dirty little secrets that GOT OUT!!!!!!!! You are right, if this organization doesn’t clean up its act, they are going down the drain. Good Peta members will not stand for it. We need some VIPs to speak out against them, the founders, and get on the side of all animals. It will happen. In the meantime, write letters…better than emails…make phone calls, whatever to get the word out. Thank you for bringing this to everyones attention.

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