"poor" people owning dogs

Home Community Dogs "poor" people owning dogs

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    I don’t think that the expensive toys quality as being a good pet owner. While I agree that animals should be well taken care of with good food and vet visits, it’s more important that they are loved and paid attention to.
    Another problem is that many dogs are living and dieing in pounds and shelters, and I think that a dog living on cheaper food and irregular vet visits is much better off than living in a pound or shelter.



    I cant agree with it. If more people thought like that then there would be alot more homeless dogs. I feel as if there is alot of love in the home for the dog then that is good place for the dog. You can find some vets that are caring enuff to do payment plans with dog owners if something pops up out of blue that costs alot. I feel as though if a person can afford everything a dog needs as in toys, treats, good dog food and can afford to have shots kept up and the yearly visits to the vet, then that is good dog person to me. And abused dogs dont just come from poor homes, they come from wealthy homes too. I rather see a happy dog in a poor home(but has essentials I mentioned above) then a neglected dog in a very wealthy home. After all, the word HOME is where the love is.



    annegirl, while don’t we thank were special! You thank because you have money, You can tell "poor" people they shouldn’t own pets. You richee people thank because you have money, You’re better than everyone else. I know this is probably a new concept to you and your top dollar pets but most of the pets, Us "poor" people have would already be dead if it wasn’t for us. My three cats were in the gas chamber, When I saved there lifes they were just kittens, No more than 8 weeks old. Now when it’s time for them to go, No I willn’t be able to fork out the $1,500 to save them. but I will be able to aford the $100 to let them go humanly. I will be very sad when this happens but Even if the cats could, I don’t think they would complain.
    Now my complaint about "rich" people owning pets. I think "rich" people should not own pets. Look at the wording here "OWN". "Rich" people own pets and us "poor" people have pets. See the difference here. "Rich" people pay for there dogs and cats so the can brag to there friends about it, In the mean time the pet isn’t getting the attentince it deserves. Unlike the person how started this post, I don’t beleive this to be true of all rich people (Just Most)
    A side note, Why would you spend money on buying a cat or dog, When there or so many being killed every day. If you want to spend money, Pay to adopt a pet



    I’ve known many so-called "poor" people in my lifetime who were much better pet owners than some of the "richies" I saw in my own neighborhood who would spend a ton of money to put up an outdoor dog run and that’s where the dog lived – rather than in the house where a pet belongs. My best friend’s family was "poor" and they owned two dogs that were given fantastic care.
    I didn’t grow up either poor or rich. Now that I’m all growed up with my own kids, we live paycheck to paycheck sometimes but we saved up to buy our shorthairs – because my fiance is an avid hunter and wanted hunting dogs. Skating on the poverty line or not, our dogs have plenty of food, inexpensive toys that they have hours of fun with, and go to the vet regularly for their shots. Last year our female got a Spongebob toy stuck in her intestines and the vet let us pay the $600+ bill in payments even though he doesn’t ordinarily do that.
    Our kids don’t go without either. We will before they do.
    We spent the money to buy our dogs because we wanted purebred shorthair puppies we could train to hunt, and eventually breed. We didn’t adopt from a shelter because there are no shorthair rescues close enough to us and this is our breed preference. If you want to call us stuck-up go ahead but we certainly did not get our dogs for "status". They are part of our family.
    Point is, whether you have kids or pets or both, if you don’t have the money you find a way. Having a pet isn’t a privilege that should be reserved only for those with disposable income. The pets that suffer are those owned by ignorant people who own them for status, not for love.



    Well, I have read quite a few of these posts over the years, on this topic. It’s been 2 years since I’ve revisited this subject. I’ve read many people’s posts about how there are so many dogs w/out hope of having a home and an opportunity to live out their lives. Those puppymills bringing more and more future homeless dogs into this world…as if there aren’t enough out there already! For all the "posters" that believe that a home for dogs that can provide shelter, love and anything else that they can afford, in my opinion is better than nothing. Many dogs essentially live on death row, in those shelters…waiting for death to take them. Unbeknownst to them! If a person has the love within them and the DESIRE to want to share that w/ ANYONE, much less a dog that will be put to death w/out that opportunity for life…I say LET THEM! Everyone deserves the right to enjoy the love of a dog. We all live in different circumstances… Some of us more advantaged than others. The same can be said for our faithful friends, the canine. There are some that are living in a lifestyle that is above and beyond what we can ever imagine our OWN lives to be. There are all different walks of life. From the very wealthy to blue collar…straight down to the poorest of the poor. If there is a need to give love and support to a dog from any walk of life, (shelter, breeder…abused dog that was given up or STOLEN to protect it…etc…), then we need to support that God given choice w/out judgement. All dogs need our protection, after all they don’t have the option to live free. They are brought into this world by us people as "domesticates"…to be for US to enjoy. As usual we humans abuse the power we have to control the amount of dogs we raise. (Don’t we abuse everything we touch?). This thread is controversial because there are too many people not seeing the bigger picture. Poor people are PEOPLE and they can help…because they want to. Because there is a need. Because they are as entitled as those that are advantaged. END OF STORY.



    OMG what is with these people no-one shoots a dog to put it out of its misery if they love it and anyone should be allowed a dog, not all dogs even get ill, and anyways what does it matter this wont change anything and in Britain, there is a special vet that allows people to go to it for free and they treat all animals with optimum care, i used to have to use this when my dog was a puppy but now i have a job and she ges to the paying vets when she needs it so no i do not agree that "POOR" people should not have pets



    Invest in pet insurance,thats great to.But no I have 3 cats and a dog and no I can’t afford to put out that much.I’m on a fixed budget,but always make sure my cats and one dog is fed good and flea meds,the dog gets his toe nails done,cost just 5 bucks every 6 months.I have a good old country vet who I think is great with my oets.I just had to take one of my cats to the vets,she had to be put to sleep,10 years old,she had cancer.I still miss her after 3 weeks.At food time she was always there first,I noticed a lump on her tummy and knew right away what it was,So every one keep checking for lumps on your cats.Nothing I could of done to make her well.Well I’m going to check this site out,I haven’t been here in a while.



    maybe some of you should be careful. Some of you might join us "poor" people. But don’t worry you can get by. And pets are an incredible joy to you when things get you down. When your family needs you find a way.



    stick to a limit on pets,like 2 cats or 1 dog,and 2 cats,not any more than that,but who are we to tell some one how many pets than can have.Its like some one else judging some one else,that its only up to god to judge,so on poor people owning pets I really think its up to them



    If that were the case should it not be that "poor" people should not be able to have children. I think three dogs. And all of them are on a very high quality diet and Revolution to protect against fleas heartworms and ticks and intestinal parasites. I am in no means rich. I have a mini schnauzer great dane and a mix. They are all very well socialized and mannered. They are used as training dogs for other dogs with behavioral problems. I do work at avet hospital and see alot of dogs. (I do not buy my food from the hospital.) And to be honest with you. It is the "poor" people that you talk about that take the best care of their animals. The well to do folks seem to forget that their animals need vaccs and etc. And the "poor" people are the ones with the better behaved animals. The well to do folk seem to think that just because they can afford everything under the sun they do not need to have dogs that have manners. Those are usually the aggressive dogs, the dogs with the most psychological issues. (let’s put it plainly, the people have more issues so the dogs have more issues.) So, I think that your comment it unwarranted and downright rude! And if a customer comes in and can not afford all the medical cost at that time all the vets I know will work with them on it.



    I believe that our pets is what keeps us all going.when your feeling down your pet is always there to hug and hold,you can tell your pet anything and he don’t mind.Mine are like that.They are my babies,the last I’ll ever have.I’m to old now to bring up any new ones.I just want to say,poor or rich,our pets are our love and joy.every body needs a friend.love your pets.



    I really did try to read everyones posts, but admit i didnt make it through them all. I just wanted to say that if cost of medical care for your pet is your worry, there are programs out there to help you out. Here are a few maybe worth considering.
    Good luck in deciding if you are ready for your new best friend.



    ok that didnt work very well let me try again. may take a few posts i dont know how to link more then one at a time



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