Daschound Back Problems

Home Community People & Their Pets Daschound Back Problems

This topic contains 17 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Kim 14 years, 11 months ago.

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    punkygirl10101 and whisper,
    thank you, you reaffirm the things important to all living souls. I’d be happy with 2 dogs and 2 cats, for my company and for theirs when I’m out. The others were because it is wrong to walk away from suffering whether animal or people.
    I’ve given up a marriage, a house, any spare money I might have all to make sure my friends here know they’re loved not just emotionally, but physically too.In this thread suebegone was dictating what is rescue and what isn’t? Perhaps if she reads all these over from the start she’ll realise she’s not welcome.
    However for our animal friends sake I’d much rather see her see the light and change her ways, no matter whether she makes me sick or not right now. If she realises she can at least help in her area, animals need help everywhere.
    Thanks you guys, for shouting out. I get very discouraged when I see what sue’s kind of people say and stay away for a few days because of the concern of what BS these people have coming next. And my other daschound friend, I’d no sooner murder her as I would any other living hing. She’s happy, and when she goes for a drink in the kitchen at night she comes up to where I’m lying and barks at me until I wake up, wrap her in my arms and pull the comforter back up and we’re both out like a light. Until that light goes out it’s a lovely feeling with usually one cat lying on top of me and my two labs wedged in behind my back.
    So yeh, it’s hard, but it’s wonderful too







    I feel your pain ,I to am an avid animal lover i have 9 mini daschounds.I understand totally where you are coming from.People are mean and repulsive they only want to take care of a pet until it grows out of the puppy stage then who cares,Isn`t it amazing how animals only want to be loved and ask for nothing in return?I agree it does get very expensive at times to care for animals when you have more then a couple,But rest assured you are indeed their angel!! God has put you here for a reason ! To take care of these animals who so much need your care and love,So glad unlike the response you got from in over your head that unfortunately there are idiots like this one And these poor animals must be pets to such unfaithful owners? You keep right on caring and i now in the end you will indeed have that last smile…..Bless you!

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