anyone wanna know the truth about your hamburger?

Home Community Horses & Riding anyone wanna know the truth about your hamburger?

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    😮 hi guys…i just wanted you to know the truth about where your meat,eggs,chesse,milk,and other animal stuff comes from…please visit this site if you wanna know the truth… <—dont worry…it only changes you for the better… when you go…watch some videos and tell me what yo though of them…


    Are you a vegetarian? I was a vegetarian for three days and I couldn’t stand it! Kudos to you if you can do it but I met my meat…and I ate it too…sorry…I’m not trying to be mean but I don’t oppose eating meat. Do I think slaughterhouses are being poorly run? Yes…but I think with some work they can make them better and more humane…there is an autistic woman out west that runs a whole bunch of humane slaughterhouses…reforms are definitely in the process. Do I think it’s wrong to kill cows for food? No. I like cheeseburgers and steak very much and killing for food is a basic principle that is understood and respected by all animals…including people. So we were born with a conscience? So what? We need our protein too! Slaughtering cows is inevitable so if you want to make a difference…work to make slaughterhouses better and more humane…don’t protest against animal slaughter as a whole.



    yes…i see what you are saying.i would eat meat and use animal stuff if it wasent so cruel.i am doing my best to stop it…BUT IM ONLY 12 so i can do a whole lot about it alone.i prefer not to eat something that has desiese and has been aboused for it’s whole life…i dont support it.sorry



    i do believe what you are saying,but i just do not want to eat something that has been beat and stuff…i have seen the videos and i dont want to support that at all.i am not vegan or anything…i just dont want to use something that had to suffer for me.sorry again.i am not saying that you are wrong,i just dont nessisaraly (i know…bad spelling)agree with it.dont be mad at me!!!!


    hmm…interresting issue – I’ve been a vegetarian for 3 years…but I like to support groups who believe in teh welfare of animals, as well as the inportance of humanity, and organic crops.



    I hope you are aware that PETA’s unformation is beyond unreliable. PETA is a horribly run organization that lies and does horrible acts to "protest animal rights". Like Arab said- we should be working for animal welfare, not their rights. Several times PETA has set a bunch of dogs from shelters free because they "didn’t like it there". It was a friendly, humane, shelter finding homes for the dogs. You know what happened? The shelter was near a highway and all the dogs ran into the road and got hit. That’s just one of the things PETA has done. I think if you research a bit more you actually won’t be as disapointed with the meat industry. Its gotten much better, cleaner, and safer since the progressive era (thank god!). More animals are actually killed and have their homes destroyed through planting more soy and wheat fields for the growing number of vegetarians. So yeah…look around! You might be surprised!



    Not to be mean, but you’re only 12. That’s only two years passed ten and ten year olds don’t know a lot about the world. Get what I’m saying? And this is a post I copied about slaughter houses and the horses in them – I don’t think you’ve read it. "Every year thousands of horses are stolen with many ending up in an equine slaughter house." "This year over 60,000 healthy American horses will be slaughtered and they are not old crippled or blind horses. (It is against federal law to ship a blind or crippled horse). The slaughter industry will not take old skinny horses. The horses being slaughtered range in age from six months to 13 years of age." I know that’s about horses, but you were talking about the meat you don’t eat – primarily cows, etc. Well, they aren’t abused or diseased either. They can’t be or the slaughter houses won’t accept them because all meat has to be approved by USDA [or something close to that] before it can even get to the store. Most, or all, meat pieces are checked more than once. And about the abuse part, these animals are raised on farms were their job is to go to slaughter – so it’s not like a family where animals are abused… it’s a business. I agree with you MG Jumper.


    More animals are actually killed and have their homes destroyed through planting more soy and wheat fields for the growing number of vegetarians. That is false. I didn’t really want to get into this kind of thing, as I have gotten in this kind of discussion before, and it drove me nuts! But I guess I’ll put my two cents in… Many big factory farms raise animals in horrible conditions: cramped cages where they live for a good portion of their life, fed very much to become so fat that they can hardly support their own weight, etc. Then they are shipped off in cramped livestock trucks to slaugher houses.This is where the real horror begins. At the slaughter houses, they are pushed, poked, and prodded into a little shute. They are very afraid, as they have no clue what has happened (they are already permantly scarred from the horrible life that they have lived). Then, once the get to the front of the line, a nail gun is put to their head and shoots a piece of metal into their head, then it is pulled back out. This is meant to kill them, or at least, knock them unconscious. But often times the animals are still fully conscious as their legs are tied and they are hung by their legs to special device. Then their throats are slit (remember, some are still conscious), and they bleed to death (if not already dead). Now, that is just for cows and pigs and such. Chickens are often scalded while still fully conscious. (this is at the place where KFC buys their chickens)…. I could go on, but I think I’ve said enough…..



    [quote author=razzamatango link=board=4;threadid=1546;start=0#msg7542 date=1097390110] Not to be mean, but you’re only 12. That’s only two years passed ten and ten year olds don’t know a lot about the world. Get what I’m saying? And this is a post I copied about slaughter houses and the horses in them – I don’t think you’ve read it. "Every year thousands of horses are stolen with many ending up in an equine slaughter house." "This year over 60,000 healthy American horses will be slaughtered and they are not old crippled or blind horses. (It is against federal law to ship a blind or crippled horse). The slaughter industry will not take old skinny horses. The horses being slaughtered range in age from six months to 13 years of age." I know that’s about horses, but you were talking about the meat you don’t eat – primarily cows, etc. Well, they aren’t abused or diseased either. They can’t be or the slaughter houses won’t accept them because all meat has to be approved by USDA [or something close to that] before it can even get to the store. Most, or all, meat pieces are checked more than once. And about the abuse part, these animals are raised on farms were their job is to go to slaughter – so it’s not like a family where animals are abused… it’s a business. I agree with you MG Jumper. [/quote] either way,that animal wether it is being raised for that or not,still has feelings,and everything else a normal animal has.they are beat and i can prove it to you.i am not being mean or anything but…it is simply the truth.


    Hmmmm????? Self deceit, have you read my earlier post? MG was just supporting that…she NEVER said it wasn’t cruel but she is saying that sometimes we try so hard to do the right thing that sometimed we do the wrong thing instead. COWS ARE GOING TO DIE. That’s inevitable. Horses really shouldn’t because we don’t eat them here…but we definitely eat cows…we definitely eat chicken…and we definitely eat pigs! No matter how many vegetarians there are in the world…there are still just as many people who DO eat meat and THOSE are the people who the cows are being slaughtered for…and those people never go away. Tell me. Do you eat meat? If you do you have no right to say slaughter is wrong because you are supporting it. If you don’t, way to go…like I said…I never could do that… BUT THE PROBLEM IS NOT THE FACT WE ARE SLAUGHTERING ANIMALS! It is the fact that we are doing it cruelly (which, yes, I noticed you did mention! ;)) But realize too that we ARE making reforms…things have the potential to get better for these cows and chickens…AND THAT’S WHAT WE SHOULD BE FIGHTING FOR. You CANNOT beat the slaughterhouse game but you can make the animals’ lives better by making the slaughterhouses more humane. One final thing here before I go…you mentioned the chickens that get scalded while they are still alive…have you ever eaten a lobster? Maybe I take it for granted that everyone knows how to cook lobster (I’m from Maine…)…But do you know how they cook lobster? Do you consider that cruel as well? Have you ever considered it? Hmmm…something to think about… (P.S. You cook lobster by putting the live lobster into a pot of boiling water… ) oh yeah, and one more thing…animals really DO lose their homes to wheat fields and such! Think about it!



    [quote author=XxSelf DeceitxX link=board=4;threadid=1546;start=7#msg7574 date=1097503612] "More animals are actually killed and have their homes destroyed through planting more soy and wheat fields for the growing number of vegetarians." That is false. I didn’t really want to get into this kind of thing, as I have gotten in this kind of discussion before, and it drove me nuts! But I guess I’ll put my two cents in… Many big factory farms raise animals in horrible conditions: cramped cages where they live for a good portion of their life, fed very much to become so fat that they can hardly support their own weight, etc. Then they are shipped off in cramped livestock trucks to slaugher houses.This is where the real horror begins. At the slaughter houses, they are pushed, poked, and prodded into a little shute. They are very afraid, as they have no clue what has happened (they are already permantly scarred from the horrible life that they have lived). Then, once the get to the front of the line, a nail gun is put to their head and shoots a piece of metal into their head, then it is pulled back out. This is meant to kill them, or at least, knock them unconscious. But often times the animals are still fully conscious as their legs are tied and they are hung by their legs to special device. Then their throats are slit (remember, some are still conscious), and they bleed to death (if not already dead). Now, that is just for cows and pigs and such. Chickens are often scalded while still fully conscious. (this is at the place where KFC buys their chickens)…. I could go on, but I think I’ve said enough….. [/quote] yes…you are correct!!!!they dont feed them food to get them fat though…they give them antibiotics so that there organs and kegs cannot keep up…thanks for that…i needed someone to say that



    [quote author=overweight_arab link=board=4;threadid=1546;start=7#msg7606 date=1097625807] Hmmmm????? Self deceit, have you read my earlier post? MG was just supporting that…she NEVER said it wasn’t cruel but she is saying that sometimes we try so hard to do the right thing that sometimed we do the wrong thing instead. COWS ARE GOING TO DIE. That’s inevitable. Horses really shouldn’t because we don’t eat them here…but we definitely eat cows…we definitely eat chicken…and we definitely eat pigs! No matter how many vegetarians there are in the world…there are still just as many people who DO eat meat and THOSE are the people who the cows are being slaughtered for…and those people never go away. Tell me. Do you eat meat? If you do you have no right to say slaughter is wrong because you are supporting it. If you don’t, way to go…like I said…I never could do that… BUT THE PROBLEM IS NOT THE FACT WE ARE SLAUGHTERING ANIMALS! It is the fact that we are doing it cruelly (which, yes, I noticed you did mention! ;)) But realize too that we ARE making reforms…things have the potential to get better for these cows and chickens…AND THAT’S WHAT WE SHOULD BE FIGHTING FOR. You CANNOT beat the slaughterhouse game but you can make the animals’ lives better by making the slaughterhouses more humane. One final thing here before I go…you mentioned the chickens that get scalded while they are still alive…have you ever eaten a lobster? Maybe I take it for granted that everyone knows how to cook lobster (I’m from Maine…)…But do you know how they cook lobster? Do you consider that cruel as well? Have you ever considered it? Hmmm…something to think about… (P.S. You cook lobster by putting the live lobster into a pot of boiling water… ) oh yeah, and one more thing…animals really DO lose their homes to wheat fields and such! Think about it! [/quote] i do agree with you partily…but i still dont think that animals (or seacreatures)should be treasted so badly…if they could live on a nice open range with nice people takeing care of them and killed instantly…yes..i could say i would eat it…but they arent and thats what i am against.thanks for your input,i appreciate it


    Yes, animals do get run off from their homes, and they do die… but it is nowhere near the number of animals that are slaughtered. And also think about this. Animals are bred specifically for being eaten. That means that we have way more animals than necessary. Which means that we have to have all this land for animals to graze on. Wooded areas are cut down so animals have space for grazing…. Just something to think about. Just reminding everyone that this discussion is simply in fun…it is not for actually fighting. If you wish to fight, go to the PeTA boards. They fight alot!



    yeah…they do fight alot.i dont really respect peta that much anymore becuase they take cats from peoples homes and uthinized them.this old guy took his rabbit that he had for a very long time and it was his best friend.anywayz he took it to the peta rescue center thinking that they would take care of it simply because he was too old and couldent do it himself and they promised him that it would be well takein care of and not even 10 minutes after he left they killed it.i am not sure if these storys are true (my neighbore…(weird guy)…told me about it a day or so ago.)i still support vegiterians and not animal rights i supprt animal welfare.thanks to all who helped me out.



    yeah…there is alot of controversy in it…i dont think people should support animal abuse,but whatever…i still am a veggie

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