sick of hearing it because it’s not true,if you cared you would keep them with

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    i have looked at hundreds of web sites in the past month and a half and i have to say i am disgusted.most of the animals i have seen are said to have been turned in because their family was moving and couldn’t take them i the only person out there that thinks this is crap? am i over reacting? am i the only one who thinks we are senselessly killing our babies because we won’t just take the time to find a house or apartment that will take our pet?maybe lower our standards just a little if need be, not take a house that won’t take our child.after all that is what they are right.did they come knocking on our door demanding that we feed and care for them no we went looking for them we offerd them our home our love and a family to call their own.then when they are not conveinient we toss them into a shelter and lie to ourselves that it’s not our fault my apartment wouldn’t take them and that they will find a new home.well every city has hundreds of places that will take a pet of any size and most don’t find homes and even if yours does what about the dog that came in because someone trully couldn’t care for it anymore not just lazy or selfish but sick or old or off to fight this war or the next.what about that dog who won’t get a home because you wouldn’t take an apartment that wasn’t close to work or didn’t have a gym or whatever reason you just didn’t take an apartment that would keep your family together,because again every city has them even if you have to settle a little for 6mnths or a year while you look for one that will take your pet even if you have to pay a little more in rent you took on the responsibility be responsible.if you had a child (and i’m talking the human variety) and you had to move would you leave it at the nearest fire station or hospital just because the subdivision you really liked didn’t allow kids…not much different really different yes but not much.anyway i know most people reading this would never do such a thing but i’m having a really bad people should love their animals more kinda day.sorry for venting here it’s the only place i knew to do it.kyena’s mom, who would have slept in a gutter before giving him away.i miss you buddy



    thanks,i know it can be more difficult to look for or wait for a place that will be perfect for you and your dog but we should never take on the responsebility of a life if we are just going to throw it away when it’s not easy.good-luck with your moves and the kittens.has your dog shown any aggression towards cats before.we lived with cats for awhile and although he would have preferd they leave him alone kyena would never hurt a local trainer and ask for some over the phone answers about what to look for and how to create a safe enviorment for everyone.kyena’s mom



    You aren’t the only one who feels the same way. At the moment I myself am moving within the month and then again in 2 months. Both to different states, and my dog Petey is coming no matter what. We even have to master living with cats (God help us!). Anyway, the point is….if you really love your pet you will find a way. Further more, if anyone has any tips on training a grown dog to live with kitties please help! Thanks.



    Well, my dog Petey is a Husky who love to hunt and unfortunately he on occasion succeeds. You know mice, squirrels normal animals dogs chase. I didn’t feel the need to disclipine him for it since it’s usually just a chase and it’s part of his nature. He’s very well behaved so I let him have a little leadway. Anyway, to the point. He has tried to chase a couple of kitties, thank goodness at those times he was on the leash. I have talked to a few people about it and most say train this behavior with a shock collar. I’m a little reluctant to do that but he’s very smart so it may not take too much for it to work. And he really hates anything physical. Thanks for the advice. It may make it up to Petey since we are moving down to Biloxi MS by the beach, all the swimming he wants. ;D. Take care.


    We got our doggy from a shelter where we were told his family was evicted and had to move, so they left him behind! A purebred even! I managed to find an apartment that took pets back when I had 6 kittens! It’s not that hard… Some people just don’t want the "burden," I guess… ๐Ÿ™



    it’s good that you rescued your’s sad that one day someone could offer love to something and then the next they throw it in the garbage.a burden, how can love ever be a burden it’s so very sad.i’m sure your boy appreciates you saving him.



    it’s horrible, isn’t it? the one and only thing that could separate me from either of my dogs, or any I have in the future, is death. Nothing else will ever do it. sadly I do know fo two people who got rid of their dogs when they moved – one moved in with her new boyfriend, and rehomed her aging crossbreed to her mother and her 2 yr old golden retriever to a 3 acre farm – at least in this case it was an improvment, she lived in a tiny, tiny terrace before. the other is a friend whose family are moving back onto a boat after years in a house – and the dogs are going because they only have ladders on said boat. they’ve had both dogs from pups – one is the mother of the other, and honeslty I never thought she’d part with them. not only that, but only a few months after I rehomed some rats to her (they were supposed to be returning to college, long story), i’m getting them back because they won’t fit on the boat. arg! ๐Ÿ™



    yeah the only thing that was able to seperate me from kyena was his death 2mnths ago.for 16yrs i didn’t even want to travell if he couldn’t go.i know that’s a little extreme and i don’t expect that kind of world for everyone but a world where they are cherished like our own is not so much to ask is least your friend gave hers to a family member dogs do bond and need stability with a person not a place but a person so if the dogs knew the mother that helps.i still think her and boyfriend should have looked for a place to share with the children instead of giving them up.and the other ones well i lived in key west and had friends on house boats they made it work.death should be the only thing that comes between love,sadly samoa(husky border)who i am fostering learned that lesson this week her mommie never would have left her by choise either.



    sorry i meant the first one who went with the mother who had a golden and lots of space.the other ones…bad enough to lose thier home but now they have to lose so sad



    no, the mother was one of the dogs – the second dog was her son. they went to a local animal shelter ๐Ÿ™ if they’d stayed in the family, it wouldn’t have bothered me so much ๐Ÿ™



    oh, I see what you mean tnow ๐Ÿ™‚ I spoke to the friend today, sadly the dogs are being split up, but they are both going to family members and not the RSPCA – so at least friend will be able to see them still ๐Ÿ™‚



    i’m sorry they are being split up but i am glad they found homes.good luck to all the kids looking for new homes.



    Kyena…..After working as an Animal Control Officer for 6 years, I have heard all the excuses that anyone could come up with. Moving and can’t take the dog/cat/animal is the biggest one. We had alot of very nice pets (purebreed and mixed breeds)to come through the shelter that people could not keep because they were "moving". I could never understand it. We had some people bring in 3 older poodles one day. These dogs had been with this family since they were small puppies and were now old enough that one of them was almost blind. How could they do something like that? When you take on the responsibility to owning a pet, it’s for life, yours or theirs. And if you see that your going first then it’s your responsibility to make sure that someone is there to fill your shoes. They are not disposible and need as much love in their older years(if not more) than they did when they were young. The poor little dogs didn’t understand what was going on and we ended up having to euthenize the oldest one. I think that it was just their way of getting out of the responsibility of having the little dog put down. Plus, it was free. I’m just glad that I’m not an elderly person in that family or any other family that would do such a thing. I know where I would end up….



    thank-you for your makes me crazy that people think of pets as easily expendable.even though i didn’t want to share my/ky’s home with another dog after kyena died i am now fostering samoa a husky border mix who is 10yrs old.her mother was my freind emilia,a few weeks ago her family told me she was in a coma and her samoa was in a kennal.i apolagized to the memory of ky,got in my car and went to get her,how could i not,it wouldn’t be right to leave her there.emilia died one week later to the day.what would have happened to her baby?most likely she would be dead soon too.too many dogs who’s owners "could not take them with them,or didn’t have enough time.too many unwanted pets and not enough loving homes.what happens then to the dogs who were loved and did have a home and their person was taken away by death or illness.they are thrown into the mix with all the babies who were not loved enough and then no one has a chance.if you give someone a home it should be theirs to keep and home is not the shell around you it is the family that lives in it.a house is just a house there is literally one on every is so much harder to find.why is that the thing we take advantage of?good work by the way,with the shelter.must have been rewarding…and hard.kyena’s mom



    hello lola,how’s you’re baby’s eye?

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