Missing Dog

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Rachel 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    My Sheepdog is 11 years old and has arthritis in his back leg. He is a very friendly dog that works hard on my dads farm. An incident happened on the farm a few days ago a stray dog came onto the farm and he would not leave, we called the dog warden and because it was on a weekend they could not come until the monday, on sunday while my dad was working on the farm he heard two gunshots been fired from the road and was was shocked to discover the stray dog dead in the field after been shot and our sheepdog is no where to be found, its been two days and we have searched everywhere for him, we also have an 8 month old puppy who will not stop barking and crying since our sheepdog is missing, we have rang the police and they could not do anything since there is not much eveidence to go on. It is very upsetting for me to even write this were just hoping our sheepdog is just frightened and will come home evidently, we love our two dogs very much and I hope you could help with your advice.



    This is so awful. I can’t imagine going through something like this.
    I know somebody whose dog was shot by a neighbor. The neighbor hated the dog and found him to be a nuisance, killed the dog, but there was no proof. If there had been proof it would have been different, I’m sure.
    Did you ever find your dog? I’m sorry nobody replied to your post. I hardly ever login but decided to just tonight. I’m curious to know how you’re feeling and if this was ever resolved. People can be so callous. It hurts to lose a pet just as much as a member of a family…because that’s just what they are!

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