Thank you Dusty

Home Community Pet Loss Support Thank you Dusty

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Rachel 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    My 11 1/2 years old Lab Dusty passed away 2 days ago due to complications from Laryangeal Paralysis surgery. We were told how well he was doing 19 hours after surgery and then suddenly collapsed and died 3 hours later. We were supposed to take him home the next day. I don’t understand how this happened. My husband and I are devestated. I can’t beleive he won’t be coming home. Dusty brought us so much laughter and joy. He was a kind soul and always kept us on our toes. He was a handful most of the time, but such a loyal member of our family. We miss him so very much.

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    I know this message is so very late, but I just wanted to say I hope you’ve found some comfort since you lost Dusty. He was so lucky to have such a loving owner <3

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