Did I Betray My Dearest Puff Kitty?

Home Community Pet Loss Support Did I Betray My Dearest Puff Kitty?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lucy 17 years, 1 month ago.

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    Yesterday I put my 12 year old cat Puff to sleep. She had broken her tail in October and was totally incontinent as a result. I loved her so much. She was my dearest kitty, my fluffy, funny little girl who loved to watch birds on tv, talked all the time and even said "all right" as clear as a bell. I tried so hard to keep her with me. Nothing worked. She was peeing on everything, despite the use of pads all over the house. I tried diapers for a while but she hated them. Urine scald was a problem, and I had to wash her two or three times a day, which she hated even worse than the diapers. Her bottom hurt and she would awaken at night yowling then talk herself down, finally saying "all right." Between the urine scald, the pee and problems with manure sticking to her, I finally gave up and let her go. Did I betray her trust? Was I just being selfish? I don’t think I’ll ever hear the words all right again and not want to cry. I feel like such a Judas.



    I don’ t think you betrayed her trust…..Puff was in so much pain and with her age its even worse…..when their quality of life is gone its time to let them go…..We had to put our 27 yr old horse down that we had for 23 yrs on Friday evening….the sad part with him was he was healthy but lame…he could barely stand and walk, we saw tears coming from his eyes and all he could do is lay down most of the time to get off his feet so we let him go….it really hurts and please don’t play the "what if" game….you did the right thing and as each day goes on you’ll realilze you did too……Take Care and sometime soon please get you another pet from a shelter that needs a forever home….your not replacing Puff but giving love to one that needs someone to love it back….I’m sure Puff will love you for it…..Click on the link theres a copy of the Rainbow Bridge, it always helps me in those sad times……Suebee

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    woofnmew, that story just about broke my heart! It sounds like you did everything you could and made the right decision in the end. She sounded like such an amazing friend it is completely understandable how you are feeling. I am so so sorry! Please be at peace with your decision.



    Puff was certainly not happy with the health problems but you did act responsibly and tried to help him, to make him better to cure him. Is normal to have these feelings of remorse no matter which way they leave us. You will probably have these feelings for some time but with time you will come at peace with your decision. I know what you are feeling, my Irish Setter, Billy passed away a month ago, very fast. We also tried to save him but it was too late for him to be saved. To this day I feel a terrible guilt for not knowing that he had cancer, God I wished I knew and I would have tried everything like you to save him. In the end is hard either way, not knowing or living with the pain. You offered him a lot of love and in the end that’s all that matters, what we did for our dear companions all their life not the sad ending.



    Oh my gosh- I do have to share that I recently had to put my 3 year old little love, "Ruby", a Westie down last week. 3 VERY SHORT years and she was my baby- Lost my oldest, Felix, to a neighbor who would express her anger in her car and that was less than a year ago. I am left with the middle child, whom we adore but she is lost- never being the alpha, she really doesn’t know what to do with herself. What I want to express to you is that beginning with the first dog I had to put down, I never had a single regret. Each of my lost little loves felt the love and care of family right to their bitter end. They were each adored.
    Nero’s situation was closest to your baby’s. In his last days he could not pick himself up to let us know he needed to go out. He messed right where he lay. I tried to reassure him that I understood it was only an accident. I could see the shame on his face. I tried to lift his head up to tell him how much I loved him and how sorry I was that he was hurting. Do you know that he forced his head down ? He was indeed my very best friend and to see him in so many ways lose his identity and suffer the humiliation on top of the pain and sadness since his life had changed so dramatically… when a tumor was found on his leg- there wasn’t even a moment of hesitation on my part; I had already known it needed to be done. I wish you peace while I share your grief. She had no kind of life in her last days… not as she was so well accustomed to!



    I don’t think you betrayed her. She wasn’t happy, so you did what was best. It is sad to have to put an animal down, but you don’t want to have it suffer.



    Thank you, everyone, for your kind, thoughtful comments. I know now that I did the right thing for her and for myself. I have so many wonderful memories, and pictures to go with them, which will always keep her with me. You cannot imagine how much your words of comfort have helped. Thanks again.

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