It Can’t be Undone

Home Community Pet Loss Support It Can’t be Undone

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  crazy_psycho_rat 20 years ago.

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    On April 1st, we lost our 1 year old Lab, Cupid. He was the sweetest pup, always laying at my feet, making it hard to stand and always believed he was a lap dog, he wanted to be just like his Brother Ripley, who is a small Poodle. I caused his death and I will never forgive myself! I was in the Office for about 20 minutes and he somehow managed to get a tube of cream that was for Skin Cancer. Poison Control said to watch and if one of the Pups got sick to take him into the Pet Emergency. I kept watching Ripley as he was the one who injoyed getting into things, but it was Cupid. Now he’s gone after suffering terribly, I can’t forgive myself and I pray that Cupid knew how much he was loved and forgives me. So PLEASE watch your pups and put them in their Crates when you aren’t going to be around to watch them 100%. I don’t want anyone to feel the pain and sadness that I feel. Watch those Best Friends of yours! Cindy


    cindy, it’s not your fault that your dog died. you can’t blame yourself you didn’t know it was going to happen and it’s not like you made it happen so it’s not your fault. i know it sucks but sometimes things just happen. but you can’t blame yourself for it.



    I understand how you feel, and I know nothing can totally erase that pain. My puppy had to be put down about a year ago while I was away on vacation. Our neighbors got tired of her barking all the time, and kept calling on us. So finally my parents took her in, because we couldn’t think of what else to do. At first I blamed myself for not being there with her when she died, and for not teaching her to be quiet. I still sometimes think there must have been something I could have done. The pain will never completely heal. All you have to do is keep telling yourself that it wasn’t your fault, because it wasn’t. We can’t see the future. If we could, I’d still have Mia, and you’d still have Cupid. But we can’t, and they’re gone. That’s life. I know it hurts. Just take it one day at a time. It was not your fault. Remember that.



    Hi! I was just going through the messages when i saw your message. I know it must be terrible when you feel that you were one of the reasons why your beloved pet died…but remember this is only ONE of the reasons. I think it would be better for you and people around you if you take it the other way….. i mean if you think that Cupid had to die, and no matter what happened or how strong you tried, he had to die. I dont know if you are getting my point or not. By the way, i know of a website which can show you a path for remembering Cupid now and forever. It is You can make your free account and then upload pictures of Cupid (if you have any), show them to other petlovers (in the public gallery) and make Cupid shine in the memories of all of us. If you want more information about this website please do contact me. I will be waiting for Cupid’s pictures in the public gallery of

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