Mouse Advice

Home Community Small Pets Mouse Advice

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  aiden 15 years, 10 months ago.

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    I recently added a pet mouse to our family. His name is Melvin. He is very energetic (his wheel squeeks all the time from his constant Trianthalon training haha) Anyways I got him at our local pet store on complete impulse, because a man was about to buy him to feed to his snake and usually i am completely rational (snakes need to eat too obviously) but for some reason I felt the urge to save little melvin. So I bought him.
    I didnt really know much about mice so the first thing I did was hit the internet to do some research. He is doing really well, he is living in a old aquarium (it leaks water, but for him its perfect) I wanted to get him a companion because ive read that mice like company but obviously I dont want a female mouse (reproduction would be insane!) However I read that male mice dont get along. I did read that if the space is big enough they might be okay. I was hoping that someone might know more about mouse behavior that could shed a little more light on the subject of if its a good idea to try a male companion or if Melvin should be alone?

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    I think that getting melvin a male companion would be best. From my experienc male mice get along fine. first get a tank divider and then mix up the bedding so that they get eachothers sent. After a week or so put them together and watch to make sure they dont fight. good luck

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