Shaking ferret.

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  erica 17 years, 2 months ago.

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    My ferret was feeling under the weather I do believe. He was listless and not very playful but I bought him some vitaimins and duk soup and I have been giving him a steady diet. He is now perky and playful. But He loves his duk soup. and his vitamins cold from the freezer. (like Ice cream). Any way I have noticed lately that when I am holding him and giving him his duk soup he shakes the whole time he is devouring it. I thought he was getting to much but I read the jar and he can have it everyday if he wants it. Just not as much as before. Anyway now the question. everytime he starts eating it he begins to shake and quits as soon as he is done. Do ferrets shake like cats purr??????????. He doesn’t do it any other time and he won’t let me go with out giving him his soup…… Does anyone know???



    Ferrets usually shake when they wake up and other times that they need to raise their body temp. Just remember that the normal temp for a ferret is about 104?F. I have noticed that sometimes they do shake if they are excited, but its not the same as a cat purring.



    Thanks I am glad to hear that . I wasn’t sure what was going on with him.



    Remember if you ever have any serious question about the health of your ferret, just ask your vet.

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    I came across this website while looking up "why my ferret it shaking."
    I thought it was maybe cause she was cold, because it’s more like a shiver…
    I have the heat on for her always… Even if it kills me. lol
    I hope that’s all it is though. Maybe I should take her to get checked out just incase.

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