I’ve never owned a cavy before, but I’d like to. Are they much like rabbits?

Home Community Small Pets I’ve never owned a cavy before, but I’d like to. Are they much like rabbits?

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    I was wondering how cavies differ from rabbits in behavior, maintenance, feeding, perhaps showing, etc.



    They are similar eg they are social, cute, bouncy little things. The main difference is that GP need vit C in their diet so lots of veggies are very good. GPs tend to be a bit more timid to rabbits and not quite as easy to train (but it can be done) to answer to their name, toilet train and do simple tricks (mine stand on command sometimes). To see what I think are the most important things about GP care see the forum called New to Forums at http://www.petpeoplesplace.com/forums/index.php?board=35;action=display;threadid=1063


    rabbits and g/pigs are alot like etch other but guinea pigs are alot better guinea pigs are alot less vicious than rabbits guinea pigs don’t take much looking after all they need is a hutch a run and some other thing all thow you always need 2 guinea pigs you can get guinea pig mix from most stores and my girl g/pigs also like romaine lettuce and my boy pigs love cucumber i don’t now much about showing thow if you are getting a g/pig get one that comes up to the bars of his cage to say hi cuz those g/pigs arnt timed


    Taking care of a guinea pig is extremely simple. I own four myself. They need the basics really. Food, water, shelter, excercise, and attention. Like us, they need Vitaman C EVERY day, otherwice they catch scurvy. Fresh water should be supplied everyday. You can add a hint of orange juice to it. My guinea pigs love it. Shelter should consist of 2 square feet per guinea pig. Bedding should be pine wood shavings. There should also be a sleeping hutch for them. Supply one hutch for evey two to three guinea pigs. As for excercise, let them run around the living room for about half an hour. Or you could go to Petsmart and actually buy a leash for them. There are leashes made for guinea pigs, so you can take them for walks every so often. It seems like alot, but it isn’t.

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