can i give my hamster a bath?

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    I am new here, so bare with me. I am the owner of a small hamster, I was wondering if I can give her a bath, she stinks bad. Is is safe to give them a bath? Please contact me asap! thanks. :-



    :-/Well lets put it like this my auntie gave her hamster a bath and soon after that it past away, so i wouldnt advise it. :-



    I wouldn’t give your hamster a bath, I just got 2 dwarf hamsters, before I got them I researched them and you can not give dwarf hamsters a bath, It probably goes the same for regular hamsters.



    Oh my gosh! DO NOT give your hamster a bath. Hamsters naturally groom themselves. If your hamster smells very bad there is probably something wrong. It could be suffering from many things. Make sure he/she’s moving around normally, keep the cage very clean, possibly try a different location for the cage, or try some different bedding products. Make sure your hamsters face and front legs are not wet. If so, your hamster is probably sick and doesn’t have the want to clean itself as normal. Hope this helps!



    No, never bath your hamster, female hamsters do have a tendency to smell a little more than males, but the only thing that should be bathed is her cage – regularly!


    do not bath your hamster. i read in a book that it is not safe to bath a hamster and that it makes them very very cold.






    i dont know but then why is there hamster shampoo


    there is hamster shampoo so you will buy it with your money simple as that. do not give a hamster a bath. they are to small to handel the coldness afterwards. if you want a hamster you need to know that stuff. hamster will clean themselves not give a hamster a bath.



    theres probably dry shampoo, like on dogs you can rub this dry shampoo on them and then brush them, maybe theres the same for hamsters



    do not bathe the poor thing. if it smells try cleaning the cage more often. usually if the hamster smells its the cage she/ he is living in. try at least spot cleaning it more often and make sure she/he doesnt sleep in there potty spot!



    Make sure she doesn’t have "wet tail"– that could be why she smells bad. If she has wet tail she must get medication immediately. Normally, hamsters do not stink unless they have wet tail.



    As posted, the hamster shouldn’t be bathed. The hamster generally shouldn’t smell that bad if you are keeping the cage properly cleaned.

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