Aggressive Mare

Home Community Horses & Riding Aggressive Mare

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Katelyn 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    I have a mare that is aggressive to the other horses chasing them around biting, kicking all the time. she also trys to attack my dogs if they are in the pasture. My boxer was walking through the pasture and she seen her and chased her down and stomped her. Does any one have any suggestions.



    how old is your mare? has she lived by hersef for a long period of time? my mare was the same, but was fine with dogs. Some horses are just like that, unless you teach them that other animals are not threats, because she might think they will try and beat HER up so she had to get to them first, or maybe she just wants to be left alone and is one of those horses who are all for cuddles and kisses. is she like this around humans or just other animals? there are a few theries to this problem such as being abused earlier in life or being totally scared that something might hurt her.
    Hope this helps
    Katelyn xo

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