Horses Changing Colors

Home Community Horses & Riding Horses Changing Colors

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  georgia 13 years, 5 months ago.

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    I have a sorrel quarter appy cross that is shedding out to black. She looks like a black and tan paint. About 80% of her body is black but her underbelly and legs are still red. This has all happened in a matter of days. What causes this to happen? Will she stay black or will she continue to change colors? Does this happen in all breeds or is it known to happen in appys? Thanks!
    The pic. is what she did look like and now her whole face (minus the ears) is black.



    sorry the pic. didn’t load 🙁



    wel how old is your horse if your horse is quiet young like 1 years old its probly just changing colur because its getting older or i depends some horse just change colour well i hope this helps oh maybe ask a person who is very horsey they my might know good luck

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