Dog doesnt seem to like any dog food

Home Community Dog Food & Feeding Dog doesnt seem to like any dog food

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  mandi 16 years, 9 months ago.

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    My dog izzy wont eat any of the foods that i buy him, i feed him 2 times aday once in the morning and once at night but when i go to feed him the next feeding time the food is still there from that morning! I have tryed a varity of dog foods and he just doesnt seem to like any of them, he loves cat food but i dont think that is very healthy for him maybe it is i have read that its not i dont kno what to do!!!
    if you have any suggestions please tell me!!!!!!!!!!



    My moms pekingese is the same way……she found out he will eat Lil Cesaurs turkey, chicken and porterhouse steak varieties……I’ve had people say after 3 days a dog will eat but it always worries me too when they won’t eat…..My dogs like cat food too so I usually put the leftover cat food on with their dry/wet food when I feed them……mine gets dry and canned mixed with it twice a day……Hope you find something they like to eat soon……..Suebee



    I feel your pain. lol (Not laughing at you I promise.) I call my Karma "Princess Picky", because she will turn her nose up at anything that doesn’t contain gravy powder or meat. I know a lot of people will shout at me for this, but I have chosen to follow the advice of the vet I took my animals to in Oklahoma, and give our dogs the "cheap" stuff and supplement with raw meat and bones. Our pup, (RIP Bella) was allergic to most dry foods so I put her on a BARF diet. She LOVED it! There are some really great yahoo groups that you could look at if you’re interested in trying something like that. Don’t just go out and start it though, because it could really mess up your dogs stomach if you don’t do it "right". One more thing… how do you go about trying your pup on different foods? Do you take the time to introduce the food slowly? Or do you just up and change flavors/brands all at once?



    I usually take alittle time with one food then i usually just take him off of it if he doesnt like it, i am gettin ready to try him on wet dog food bc thats wat he seems to like. When he was little he ate wwet dog food so im goin to get some so that way i kno he is eating and i dont have to worry!

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