Tree sap on nose.

Home Community Dogs Health Tree sap on nose.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lisa 12 years ago.

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    My small 12 lb dog recently got some tree sap across her nose. I didn’t notice it until it dried on. It is not obstructing her breathing at all. Should I just leave it there until it comes off naturally? I am afraid if I try to peel it off, I will hurt her nose, and maybe remove some skin, it is so well dried on.
    Thank you,



    If it is not obstructing her breathing, then leave it.
    It will come off on its own.
    If you are bathing her you could give it a gentle swipe with soap and water but that stuff is like bubblegum so you probably won’t get very far.

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