Three Simple Steps to Healthy Pets

Home Community Cats Health Three Simple Steps to Healthy Pets

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Cheri 15 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi All,
    I am new here so don’t expect people to really listen to me but I have to give it a try anyways!
    I am an older lady who has seen a lot. I have owned and temporarily homed 100’s of critters in my lifetime, as I ran a no kill animal shelter for over 17 years. I have also worked as a tech in vets offices.
    MOST of my animals live very long lives, way beyond the normal life expectancy. My cats tend to live well into their late teens and often into their 20’s. My dogs into their late teens. I had a great dane that lived 17 years. 🙂 I now have 5 cats that are in their 20’s, the oldest will be 24 this summer. I have several other cats between the ages of 15 and 20.
    Now I will share with you the reason they live such long, healthy, happy lives. I NEVER, EVER, feed catfood, or dogfood, or ANY processed diets and I use herbal remedies instead of medications and vaccinations are kept to a minimum. Vaccinate only the very young or weak and then I do it according to instructions from holistic vets. The book Three Simple Steps to Healthy Pets is a very good resource that is full of information every pet owner should have. It is written by Lisa S. Newman and is widely available. If you use the recipes found in this book, or you can research and make your own diet, you will find your critters LOVE it, AND it keeps them very strong and healthy.
    Unfortunately processed animal foods do not have readily available, solid nutrition for our animals. Medications and vaccinations do even more damage to a system weakened by poor diet. Taking a Holistic approach to the care of your pet GREATLY increases health, happiness and longevity!
    My Grandmother is in her 90’s and is very healthy having taken the holistic lifestyly approach. My grandma told me a LONG time ago that people and animals do not thrive well on processed diets and I have proven her right by cooking for my animals and seeing them live soooooooo much longer than the usual. Grandma says that BEFORE dogfood and catfood were available in stores people fed their critters what THEY ATE THEMSELVES and the animals did much better than they do today eating bagged foods.
    I took this a step further and studied herbal remedies to replace medications and vaccinations. It has worked so well!
    So please consider the holistic lifestyle. Look into it. I think you will be pleasantly surprised!
    I hope this helps some people with their animals.

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