RE: reverse cat who is neutered

Home Community Cats RE: reverse cat who is neutered

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Susan 17 years, 1 month ago.

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    You say you don’t use name calling, these are your own replies: 1)"this is the most asinine thing I have ever heard. Sounds like a troll to me. No REAL person would ask something like that." 2)"I have to conclude you are a Troll" 3)"If this person is serious, they are not intelligent enough to "feel". 4)" And incidently, I have never found it necessary to call people names. Are you not able to convey your message any better than that? Dito to you!



    Im sure someone will have something to say about this…but I dont see a problem with the original post. Wanting to breed your cat because you love it and it has a fantastic temprament(sp?) is the best reason to breed surely??

    And they said they would have people lined up for kittens…thats seems pretty responsible to me! Clearly the people that wanted the kittens wanted them because they love the dad, not for the sake of having a kitten, so why would they go to a shelter?

    Jumping on people when they ask you simple questions is just stupid!

    Suer57 I totally agree with you 100%



    I’m kinda confused..can someone fill me in here? I’d love to know what this post was about and where the original was…



    Yeah, me too. Looked and couldn’t find it.



    I’m the one that posted it a long time ago. I think what happened is people were arguing and the post was shut down by moderator. I wanted to respond anyway to the name caller, so I posted as "regarding: reverse cat who is neutered", which was the original subject that got knocked off. Someone was wanting to reverse their cat’s neutering (impossible) and the usual suspects got into it with her about why she shouldn’t be breeding, blah, blah, blah… It just ticked me off, sorry.

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