how often can a rabbit breed

Home Community Rabbits how often can a rabbit breed

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    The pet store owner just wants to make money off of you. I would clean out the nest and put new hay in there. If you have a box keeping them in I would take it out and just put lay in there for them to sleep on. They should follow mom around at 2 weeks and copy her to learn what to eat and drink. For now though they are probably just drinking milk, and only testing out the food. I wouldn’t give them back to the store until they are 7 weeks minimum. She isn’t supose to sell them before 8 weeks, but they sometimes fudge on the age and sell sooner because they are so cute when little. If I were you I would have both rabbits fixed so they can live together without worrying about making babies. Rabbits can get pregnant at any time. Even the day they deliver the babies they can get pregnant the next day, which is very unhealthy for them. It may be hard to put the two rabbits back together without them fighting, now that they each have their own territory, they won’t want the other in with them. If they are fixed you will have less of a problem.



    I totally agree with suer57, the lady is just trying to make money out of you, she has made money out of selling these 2 to you in the first place then she gets free babies every so often without any time or expense put into feeding or caring for mum dad or babies as they grow, please steer well clear of this lady! try and find other homes for the babies as she may use a brother and sister as a breeding pair and say the same to another person, even though you should never breed brother and sister, and the babies shouldn’t leave mum before 7 weeks minimum so the lady doesn’t care about the animals one bit!!!

    I expect the 2 will get along again if you get them both fixed and leave it a while after that say a month so they can heal and get rid of their hormones so they are less territorial, and then put them together on some neutral area that they haven’t been before in your house or garden so neither scent is there already.

    Mum is probably at the mo just being protective of her babies and that is good it shows she cares, when they start to rely on her less she will prob be better with you and again spaying her will improve this too.

    It is good you are putting the pellets in their nest for them, but i would also suggest giving some kind of plain oats for them too because it is more gentle on their stomachs as their first food, as well as hay. Also do clean out the nest it will be fine to take it out as long as their eyes are open and its reasonably warm, but try to save



    some of the fur out of it to put in the new bed/nest area when you make it because it will have their’s and mum’s scent on it already and it is warmer for them.



    Grumpybabies is right on, you probably should find different homes for the babies and stay away from the original seller.



    hi sue this is lucy i got my mom rabbit when she was 6 weeks old from a pet store. well my baby rabbit is doing great she is eating lettuce drinking water and moms milk. she is 3 weeks old now and doing great. i had a question how often can you breed the french lops. and how long do you wait until to breed again after a litter lucy



    Is it french lops you have? I thought you had dwarfs then i re-read and it says you have 2 the size of a cat and gave the dwarf away is this right? is it a male and female you have left and a male you gave away? Sorry just wondering about those things to get it in my head!

    You don’t have the male and female in together again now do you? I know you did take dad out but was that before or after she gave birth? Basically has dad been with mum since she gave birth? If so she will prob be pregnant again now, and so if they are 3 weeks she will be due in a week and a bit! If not i think breeders give the mums about a month off from the time the babies are weaned, so when the babies are 6 weeks old mum has a month break from then, and then gets bred again. Although as your doe had 2 litters straight off it would be nicer to give her about 3 month break or a bit more, but are you actually planning to breed her again on purpose? I’m worried that you don’t know her history so even though you have one live baby, you may get more dead ones, and the more pregnancies she has, the greater strain on her body, just a thought though i know how you feel i am baby broody now after mine have all grown up but i was lucky i had 6 born alive and all are still alive now and cute!

    If you do breed more just keep us updated and ask as many questions as you have!



    hi sue. well dad was in the cage when she gve birth and was in there for about another hour after i found the babies. so i put in the nest got the baby warm and took out dad. he has not been in there since that hour after i found the babies. i will give her a rest i wanted to try one more breeding unless she is pregnant again. i will watch for that. can she be nursing and be pregnant again. well anyway iam not sure if iam going to breed her again or not if i wait i would then have to wait until the end of june right tha will be around the three months. now if she is pregnant again i will not breed her anymore i don’t want to harm her and i will sell the father or keep him seperate. i will keep yoou posted. but if she has another litter do i keep the fisrt baby in the cage it will be to early to take away from mother right. let me know thanks lucy



    also the bunny i have are french lops i had someone else tell me that who use to breeds rabbits as a living so she know all the rabbits. both mom and dad are french lops. also i had another question about the baby. is it ok that he has one ear down and the other one up. thanks lucy



    tweetluc, here’s my story. We had two females (we thought) then found babies in the cage. I knew nothing about it and the male was still in there a couple more days. I searched the internet and found out they can get pregnant the same day they deliver. I removed the male and had him fixed. The mom had 6 healthy babies but at 2 weeks I noticed they were losing weight. I started bottle feeding them, apparently the mom was pregnant and stopped giving milk because her body needed the energy for the next litter. When the next litter was born, another 6 babies, I removed the first litter and put them with the dad. I had a divider in the large cage so they would stay on their own side. (I found out later that it wasn’t a good idea putting the babies with the dad because he might hurt them). They got along fine probably because he saw them everyday through the divider in the cage. After another two weeks the new babies were also getting thin. I started bottle feeding them. It turns out the mom got sick with GI stasis caused by the stress of two back-to-back litters. I took her to the vet but she still died. So hopefully your mother rabbit is not pregnant again, it could be very stressful to her. Hopefully she doesn’t die like mine did. If she does have another litter I would remove the first litter so she doesn’t have to feed 2 litters and has plenty of milk for the new babies. Good Luck!



    oh my that sound bad i sure hope that the mom isn’t pregnant again. i had her since whe was 6 weeks old and i would miss her. i think i will be giving away dad i can’t afford to get him fixed but he will not go back in the cage with her until months from now if ever at all. thanks for the info it has been really helpful. i might have more question later. the baby is getting so big and eating almost on his own he hasn’t gotten to the pellets that i have seen yet but the rest he has. plus is still nursing from mom so it is all good. lucy



    Sue- I will be cleaning the rabbit cages out tomorrow. The babies are doing really well. They are eating the timothy hay. But I have never seen them drink the water. They are 3 weeks old told. We have found different homes for them other that the pet store. People would really try to breed brother and sisters? couldn’t that cause birth defects? The babies are SO cute. I 5 year old wants to keep them all. 2 Keep me very busy though. The pet store owner said she wanted to buy the babies back for 10 dollars, and then would turn around and sell them for 40. We had no problem finding homes ourself. Of course we didn’t make a profit but I have rather enjoyed watching them grow and wouldn’t mind having one more litter but how long should I wait? Also has 3 weeks can I handle them to much? My daughter wanted to take them to school for show and tell but I worried about taking from mommy and out of the house for a period of time. At this stage they dont bite though and would be easy to show, of course I wouldn’t be having them handled by everyone, just showed to the kids.
    My husband has had a friend at work that insists that he read they can be taken from mom as soon as they are moving on there own. But I don’t feel comfortable giving them up until I see they are consistantly eating and drinking the water on their own.



    At three weeks they are probably getting all the liquid they need from the mom. They need to nurse for another 3 weeks at least. Soon as the mom starts weaning them they will get thirsty and start drinking. Don’t give them away before they are weaned please. I had one that was still nursing at 8 weeks. At 6-7 weeks they should be through, but no sooner. (The person at work that says they can be removed when they start moving around is totally wrong, they move at 2 weeks and the eyes are just opened, that’s way too soon. My kids brought the rabbits to school in a box for show and tell and the kids loved them. I wouldn’t let them hold them because they could hop out of their hands unexpectedly. Oh, and you can never handle them too much! They need human interaction so they will stay tame. The mom should be fine without them for a while. But with my rabbits the babies were in a little bedroom that the mom went in and out of through a doggie door, so she may not notice as much as yours. Your rabbit and babies are together all the time. You could just take a couple or test her by removing them and watching what she does. If she doesn’t freak out then your o.k.



    cleaned the cages out again today. mom doesn’t even mind me putting my hand in there today. she even let me take her out and hold her. took two of the babies over to the neighbor and showed them. She didn’t mind. She even let me put my hand in the den and pet the babies at the same time as her. When I went to feed them 3 of the babies ran straight to the bowl real fast and ate by mom. there is one black one that is real fistey. He jumps and does back flips and when I go to pet them he runs to the food bowl and hops in it every time. I get a kick out of him. He is the one that is always following mom around to. The bunnies seem to love to be held. I wouldn’t dare give them away without making sure they are drinking from the water and eating properly. I told my husband that the guy from work didnt know what he was talking about. My 5 year old still insists we are keeping every last one. Even after she helped me clean the cages. It has been a real joy taking care of them and an experience for both my children who are 5 and 2. I dont know if I told you the mom is tinkerbell and the dad is peterpan.I have notice it looks like mom has put on a bit of weight after the babies.



    hi sue this is lucy well the baby is weaned now and she is good. today i tried to put dad back in the cage but they were ok at fisrt then they attcaked each other the mom got real upset and was acting like she was hurt because of the dad so i quickly removed dad from the cage and that is the end of the mating unless she got pregnant but he was only able to get on her twice and i don’t know how long it takes. but that was when dad bit her the second time and she sqealed and was real scared. before she didn’t care. so do you think i will ever be able to put him back in with her or is it over for those two. if it is i will be getting rid of dad and keeping mom i have had her since she was six weeks. i found a home for the baby she is six weeks and she was weaned almost two weeks sgo by herself she still had mom but didn’t feed from her. well let me know thank you about the dad and mom. also why would he attack like that they have been together before i don’t understand it. and will they ever be able to be togther again. lucy



    Hi Lucy. I can’t remember, did you get the male fixed? (If not do it soon, she may be pregnant again!) It’s hard to put rabbits back together because they are so territorial. Even if they were best friends a month ago, they will now fight over who’s house it is. It’s best to reintroduce them on neutral territory. Maybe start out with letting him smell her from outside her cage. Then let her have a turn smelling him from outside his cage. Then maybe block off a room (bathroom?) and let them explore it together. Have a laundry basket or something that you can drop over one of them if they start fighting again. Gradually let them play together more often longer periods of time. Put some of his droppings in her litter box so she gets used to his smell. Then in a couple weeks maybe try putting them back together again. I hope it works out for you.

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