Plants That Are Poisonous to Cats and Dogs

Although houseplants can be a very beautiful addition to your décor, you should be aware that some of them are very dangerous to cats and dogs. Even though your pets are carnivores by nature, they will still nibble at plants out of curiosity. It falls on us as pet owners to keep our pets safe from poisonous plants. Here is a list of the most common houseplants that are dangerous for your pets.

  • Sago Palm: All parts of this common ornamental houseplant are toxic, with the seeds being the most dangerous. Severe liver damage accompanied by vomiting, tremors, abdominal pain, and drooling can result if it is ingested.


  • Dieffenbachia: This is another common houseplant that can cause poisoning. The symptoms can include drooling, oral irritation, vomiting, and nausea. It should be noted that this plant is equally toxic to humans, so it should never be kept around young children.


  • Aloe Vera: Although this plant is medicinal, the leaves actually contain a substance called saponins that is very toxic to dogs, cats, and birds. Symptoms of saponin poisoning include loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, and a change in the color of the urine, indicating kidney damage.


  • Azalea: This plant may also be called Rhododendron. Ingestion of azalea can lead to heart failure and diarrhea in cats and dogs.


  • Elephant’s Ear: The leaves of this plant contain high amounts of calcium oxalate. Ingestion can cause difficulty swallowing and oral irritation along with vomiting and excessive drooling in both cats and dogs.


  • Apricot (Peach): This plant is loved for its sweet, juicy fruits. It’s not safe to have around dogs and cats though. Ingestion can lead to shock and difficulty breathing which could be fatal without immediate help from a veterinarian.


  • Amaryllis: This is a beautiful plant that produces large, colorful flowers. It also contains lycorine, a poisonous substance that causes depression, hypersalivation, tremors, and kidney failure in both cats and dogs.


Tulips, Daffodils, Lily of the Valley, Asparagus Fern, Hyacinths, and Hawaiian Ti Plant are all also poisonous.


If you would like to grow houseplants in your home, choose nontoxic plants such as Spider Plant, Christmas Cactus, Snapdragons, and Bamboo. If your pet does ingest a possibly toxic plant, call your vet or animal poison control right away.