ewbengals's Profile

I am a Bengal lover! I got my first Bengal about 5 years ago & fell in love with this breed of cat! They are the most fascinating creatures I have ever had the pleasure of sharing my life with. The never cease to amaze me with the things they do! They are so intellegent & at times act more like a dog than a cat!
They know when it's coming up on time for their people to get home each day & will go to the door & wait for them like a dog might! Then they greet them when they arrive, with the same enthusiasm a dog might have.
They love to talk & be talked to & they love water!!! My Bengal sits at the back of the tub & watches whoever is in the shower. She is totally fascinated by the water! She really likes it when I leave a little water in the tub & put a floating toy in the water for her to play with!
I think I will never get bored as long as I have my Bengal! They keep me happily entertained!
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