not allowed to have a dog Any Advice?

Home Community Pet Adoption not allowed to have a dog Any Advice?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Karen 19 years, 9 months ago.

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    I really want a dog but my dad wont let me have one. I have been doing a lot of research to use in convincing him so far it hasnt worked . Please help me ;D



    He probably has very valid reasons for why he will not let you have a dog right now. First, a child or teen is ready for a dog only when the parents are 100% ready to take on the responsibility of the dog. Why? 1) What happens when you go to college and cannot take the dog or devote the time to it if you live at home? Who ends up with it? Hundreds of dogs each year end up in shelters and even being put down when kids to off to school in the fall and parents do not want the responsibility. 2) Good intentions, kids will say "I will care for the dog" and then cannot give a dog what it fully needs to live sanely. My neighbor’s 14 year old got a dog and though she was decent enough with some of her pets (though not a child that should have pets because she is still not responsible enough and cannot afford them), others she was not and the dog is a problem. the dog needs far more walks and training (I have yet to see them practice ands they took a class through me) and the dog is escaping the yard several days a week at times. The father gave in and the dog is ending up with the raw end of the deal. Can you commit to 15 or more years to a life right now? Are you ready to have a child? To properly raise and train a dog takes close to as much time as a child. If you are not ready to be a parent, do not consider a dog… 3) Dogs often fall wayside to boys, cars, sports, friends. Whith a dog, there will be no afterschool activities, sports, late nights, etc. You have to be home to walk, feed, train and give the dog what it needs. It is not fair to expect others to pick up for your pet that you have to have now. 4) Can you afford several thousand dollars is emergency bills if something should happen? One of my dogs developed pancreatitis last year and it was over $2,000 and a 3am trip to the emergency clinic. The average owner spends over $600 a year on a dog. Food alone can cost $20 – $40 a months (and cheaper foods are lower quality, therefore should be avoided…), heartworm medications can run $30 – $50 every three months, vaccines and a physical annually can run upwards to $150, spaying/neutering (healthier and cheaper than paying for complications or issues from an intact animal) will be atleast $100 – $200. Start ups for a new puppy (even a free dog) can cost over $500 when you consider a crate, leash, collar, toys, puppy visits to the vet every 2 – 3 weeks, rabies vaccine at 16 weeks, puppy training classes… Your father is a wise man to be saying no and not giving into you. The best thing you can do is understand why – dogs are a massive responsibility for 15 or more years. He probably does not want to end up primary caregiver down the road or deal with the financial issues. What I suggest is volunteer at a local shelter or rescue group. Talk with a neighbor who has a dog about walking the dog and playing with it when they cannot. But respect your father’s wishes, wait until you are out of the house and ready to be 100% committed to a life 100% dependant on you for everything before you get a dog.

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