Going in the house

Home Community Small Pets Going in the house

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lisa 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    Why is my year old dog acting out by going in the house even after being walked and everything she is out of control.e advise Thank You



    Well this is very late but better late than never.
    First of all, no one replied to you right away because you stupidly posted in the ‘small animals’ category when you have a dog question.
    A dog is not a small animal. A small animal is a gerbil or hampster.
    Your dog is pissing and crapping inside because you are letting him.
    Go back to basic potty training. Out every hour for a potty break, telling him to go potty so he knows what he’s doing there (use his name and the same phrase over and over, "Fido go potty, Fido go potty, Fido go potty." Praise for unloading in the correct spot and be sure to use the potty phrase (Good boy, good Fido goes potty, good boy, good Fido goes potty) so he connects the phrase ‘go potty’ with pissing and crapping and knows that he’s pleasing you by doing it in the right spot.
    Bad dogs who piss and crap inside do not get free run of the house. That is for good dogs who potty outside.
    Tether this dog to you at all times so he can’t slink off and crap or piss.
    If he squats or lifts his leg, scream at him and drag him outside for a correct potty, praising if piss or crap come out.
    Any time he is unsupervised, he is crated. The crate should just be big enough for his bed and for him to turn around in, otherwise he’ll piss and crap in one spot and sleep in another.
    Most dogs will cross their legs and turn blue before unloading on their bed so this will prevent him from letting it rip when you aren’t around to watch him.
    This should also be where he sleeps at night.

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