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West Wind Dog Training
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West Wind Dog Training was started in 2000 after many years of dreaming and planning. I wanted to bring a fun and positive training program geared more towards teaching manners and assisting the average dog owner learn to better communicate with and understand his/her canine companion. Ultimately, we make our dogs what they are: good or bad. If we do not give dogs what they needs physically and mentally, then we open the door for trouble. If we succeed, then wondrous things can happen. There is no perfect way to train a dog. I try to find the best and most positive way to encourage you and your canine to learn together. In 2001, I expanded and developed the Safe Kids/Safe Dogs Project. The goal of the SK/SD Project is to teach various audiences how to reduce dog-related injuries in children. Banning a specific breed (or breeds) or dog will never accomplish this as most dog-related injuries come from the family pet or the pet of a relative or friend. It is through educating every one whether they have a child or dog or not that incidents will be reduced.
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George is a mixed breed, black Labrador retriever...
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