Housing Pet Rats

The first, most obvious, decision to make once you have decided to get rats is where they will live. You can keep them in a wire cage or tank, make a home yourself or let them have the run of the house or of a room. The main things to consider when making this decision are your rat’s comfort, safety and what you are willing to clean. Whichever home you choose, be sure to clean it often – before it smells – and use a safe cleaner. Rinse thoroughly after washing, disinfect, rinsing thoroughly again and dry.

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Care of Red Footed Tortoise

Red-foot tortoises (Geochelone carbonaria) are among the most popular and appropriate tortoises for beginning tortoise keepers. Stunningly attractive, their black shell contrasts with their yellow scute areola, bright red legs and yellow or red markings on their head. Being from multiple habitats, they are among the hardiest of species. As long as their requirements are met, Red-foots can be expected to give literally a lifetime of companionship.

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